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Existing members Renew   your subscriptions here.

New members

Please select the appropriate subscription below and proceed to checkout.  You will be asked to provide details of your qualifications, HCPC number (if applicable) and areas of expertise, as part of your application. 



Full Membership via installments

Period: 91
Standard subscription £50

Full Membership with voting rights; HCPC Clinical Psychologist; four quarterly installments

Full Membership

Period: 365
Standard subscription £200

Full members with voting rights, as described by the Constitution: HCPC registered Clinical Psychologists

Associate Membership

Period: 365
Standard subscription £50

Criteria for joining as an Associate Member: 

  • HCPC-registered practitioner psychologists other than clinical psychologists
  • Clinical or healthcare professionals registered with a UK regulatory body
  • Overseas clinical psychologists registered with an appropriate regulatory body
  • Career-pathway graduate psychologists working in HEE-approved roles (including assistant or research psychologist, PWP, EHYP, CYP)
  • Retired UK clinical psychologists no longer registered with HCPC
  • Please note that Associate Members are not permitted to use the ACP-UK logo

Trainee Membership

Period: 365
Standard subscription £50

Trainee membership with full voting rights.  


Members are eligible as trainees whilst enrolled on a DClinPsy course   For existing members the trainee rate extends for up to an additional year post qualification but no later than the September of the qualifying year.  Following this trainees will automatically be moved to full membership status.


Retired Professional Membership

Period: 365
Standard subscription £50

Retired Clinical Psychologists membership for those no longer registered with HCPC. With full voting rights