Existing members Renew your subscriptions here.
Membership categories and annual subscription charges are detailed below.
Annual End Date: 28th February
Standard subscription £35
Club Key, please note this is not available to junior members
January Series
Annual End Date: 28th February
Standard subscription £25
Ordinary Membership
Monthly Subscription
Standard subscription £21.75
Any person aged 23 or over on 1st March of the new membership year. Includes partner/spouse and any children not yet 23
Young Adult Membership
Monthly Subscription
Standard subscription £10
Any person over 19 and not yet 23 on 1st March for the membership year. Includes partner and any children not yet 23
Junior Membership
Monthly Subscription
Standard subscription £4.50
Any person not yet 19 at the start of the new membership year
Note, a parent or nominated guardian, who should be a full member, shall stay at the club to supervise and provide rescue services throughout the time the child is at the club
A junior membership does not qualify for a club key
Canal & River Trust Fee (one per boat, board or vessel)
Monthly Subscription
Standard subscription £2.92