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Existing members Renew   your subscriptions here.

Associate Member

Annual End Date: 31st December
Standard subscription £8

Associate Membership is open to all those who wish to maintain a link with the activities of the Association, including those who do not keep bees.  Association insurance does not cover the member's own beekeeping activities. Please see BedsBKA Membership for further details.

Subscriptions paid between 1st October and 31st December will be valid until the end of the following calendar year


Annual End Date: 31st December
Donation £5

Make a donation to Bedfordshire Beekeepers Association and support our charitable activities and research into honey bee health. Select the number of donation units you wish to make, each unit contributes £5 to these activities.

Full Member

Annual End Date: 31st December
Standard subscription £15

A Full Member is a member of the association who is an active beekeeper. This level of membership includes annual insurance. Please see BedsBKA Membership for further details.

Subscriptions paid between 1st October and 31st December will be valid until the end of the following calendar year.

Student Membership under 18

Annual End Date: 31st December
Standard subscription £4

Student Membership is for those under eighteen years of age. Parental/guardian consent is required. See the Beds BKA Rules for more detail

Subscriptions paid between 1st October and 31st December will be valid until the end of the following calendar year.