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Welcome to Chichester Canoe Club

Introductory Sessions


The club is committed to safe paddling, and so for those without a recognised paddling qualification or extensive experience we run Inexperienced Introductory Sessions.


These sessions provide you with an excellent grounding in the fundamentals of paddling and ensures you are equipped with the water safety knowledge to paddle at our club.  Depending on your previous experience we offer this introduction over one or two sessions, fees for these sessions include:


  1. Your session fee
  2. Use of equipment
  3. Coaching from a qualified coach


Fees are £27.50 per introductory session to include use of all club equipment or £20 if you use your own boat.


If you join the club within 1 month of your introductory session then you can deduct £10 from your membership fees.

 (This does not apply to pool inductions).

From November to March newcomers can book a pool session (and boat hire if required).


For those who have experience but not recent British Canoeing qualifications of a high enough level we require you to book an Experienced paddler assessment, to ensure you are safe to paddle with the club. Fees are £10 which is deductible from your membership if you join within 1 month. There is a charge of £7.50 if you need to use a club boat.  Please email info@chichestercanoeclub.co.uk if you are unsure.


