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Existing members Renew   your subscriptions here.

Adult Membership

Annual End Date: 31st December
Standard subscription £109

Membership for one individual over 23 years old after 1st January

Junior Membership

Annual End Date: 31st December
Standard subscription £41

Junior (Membership for individuals under 18 after 1st January )


Annual End Date: 31st December
Standard subscription £66

Qualifying Clubs to be determined and negotiated by Club Committee

Commodores Fund Donation

Period: 0
Standard subscription £5

Some members would like to donate to the Commodore's fund as this fund is used to provide equipment etc for club use.  Spend is at the Commodore's discretion.

Dinghy Berth- Junior

Annual End Date: 31st December
Standard subscription £35

Dinghy Berth for Junior Member


Family Membership

Annual End Date: 31st December
Standard subscription £150

Membership for a family, a maximum of two adults with or without children under 18 years of age, all participating in club activities.

Must all be living at the same address as Group Admin

Suitable for single parents too.

You will need to purchase a dinghy berth or canoe rack if required when renewing.

Young Adult

Annual End Date: 31st December
Standard subscription £56

Membership for individuals over 18 & under 23 on 1st January

Out of Port

Annual End Date: 31st December
Standard subscription £31

Membership for those who are not active on the water nor have a dinghy or canoe but would still like to be involved in the club as a member

Honorary Life Member

Annual End Date: 31st December
Standard subscription £0

Life Membership is only available to those granted such by general committee.  DO NOT select this subscription without prior consent of the General committee.  Failure to do so will result in your subscription being refused.

Dinghy Berth

Annual End Date: 31st December
Adult subscription £61
Junior subscription £39

Allocated Space for one dinghy in the dinghy park