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Existing members Renew   your subscriptions here.

Please chose from Individual, Social Business or Corporate membership subscriptions. Businesses can nominate an individual contact.



Corporate Membership

Period: 365
Corporate subscription £250

Annual subscription for corporate Wales Co-operative Centre members. Includes

  • your branding in our corporate members section
  • 10% discount of bespoke training and consultancy*
  • annual presentation slot opportunity at networking events
  • blog post opportunity
  • opportunity to meet with our Chief Executive
  • voting right for the organisation

*consultancy discount available on first £2000 only

Individual Members

Period: 365
Standard subscription £5

Annual subscription for individual adult Wales Co-operative Centre members. Includes voting rights, invitation to the AGM and networking events and a newsletter.

Members need to be over age 16.

Social Business

Period: 365
Turnover under £81,000 £50
Turnover over £81,000 £100

Social businesses, such as social enterprises and co-operatives. Membership includes:

  • voting rights for the organisation
  • annual advert in the members newsletter
  • member business helpline post support
  • 10% discount on bespoke training and consultancy*
  • newsletter and consultation on sector wide developments.

*consultancy discount available on first £2000 only