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Existing members Renew   your subscriptions here.

1. Please select the appropriate membership type and click the "Add to basket" button.  Then click the "Checkout" button


2. Select the option to create a Webcollect account rather than login

3. You will then be asked to complete your personal details to set up your membership record.  As part of this you will be asked to create a password which will be used in conjunction with your email address for you  to access the membership system in future to renew your membership and keep your details up to date.

Payment for membership is by Direct Debit and we use an online system called Go Cardless for you to set up your Direct Debit Online and while this does require some work for the first payment subsequent renewals are much quicker and easier for you than any other payment form.


If you cannot pay by Direct Debit or would like to know about alternative payment methods please contact our Membership Secretary Alex van Tuyll on alex.vantuyll@gmail.com  


Owner Rider

Period: 365
Standard subscription £60

Owner Rider – Join if you are riding your own horse. Annual subscription, from when you join, which automatically renews, if you tick the box and pay on direct debit (preferred option).

Rider's Directory

Period: 365
Standard subscription £60
  1. For Riders wishing to join the directory to aid the syndication of their horse(s).  Your preferred marketing and contact details, plus any supporting horse syndicate documents will be published to the EHOA membership, see the Syndicate Brokerage for details of other benefits. 


Period: 365
Standard subscription £100

Owner – Join as an owner if someone else is riding your horse.  Annual subscription, from when you join, which automatically renews if paid on direct debit.


Period: 365
Standard subscription £150

Joint - For just 2 members or 2 friends. Enamel badges to one postal address, email communication to both addresses (if provided). Annual membership which renews automatically, if box ticked in direct debit (preferred option).

Syndicate Membership

Period: 365
Standard subscription £80

1 EHOA syndicate membership per syndicate - this will provide full hospitality and benefits access for 1 lead syndicate member, including direct support and advice (including to the rider) from an EHOA board member plus contract templates and related documents.  See the Syndicate Brokerage page on the EHOA website for more details, including relating to hospitality access.  Annual subscription, from when you join, which automatically renews if paid on direct debit.