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Welcome to Easton Harriers PC


Camps are for members of the Easton Harriers

Senior Camp

This is for members of about 12yrs and over.

Senior camp is always early in the summer holidays and lasts for about 5 days. Members bring their ponies and stay for the whole camp. You sleep in a tent, caravan or horse lorry – its up to you. Ponies are mostly in stables. During camp there will be lots of riding (of course!) and you will be responsible for looking after your pony, cleaning your tack and keeping the yard and your accommodation tidy. We hold competitions and there are various entertainments. Meals are provided by volunteer parents. This year camp is at Poplar Park Farm.

Junior Camp

This is for younger members.

Junior camp is all about having lots of fun and learning lots. Junior camp lasts for 4 days (1st - 4th August) and is non-residential. It is held at Topthorn arena. The activities are similar to those at senior camp but at a more novice level with more parental involvement. Children and ponies will be in small groups based on age and experience. All groups will do a mixture of flat work, jumping, hacking, mounted games and various other fun activities finishing with a competition day to showcase what the children have learnt over the 4 days. This year we have got an interactive racing training day for all children to take part in - no matter what the childs level or ability is - it is just for a bit of fun and experience. 
