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Existing members Renew   your subscriptions here.

Membership categories and annual subscription charges are detailed below. Please be aware that all information provided in the membership forms is securely held within the ELSC Webcollect database and is for the sole use of ELSC Committee to ensure safe operation of the sailing club. At no time will any information be forwarded to a third party or used for any other purpose other than by ELSC. Should you cease to be a member of ELSC your data is automatically deleted at the end of the year however, if you wish to withdraw your details at anytime this can be done by contacting the membership Secretary directly via earlswoodmembership@icloud.com



Family Boat Owning Membership

Annual End Date: 31st May
Family Boat Owner Subscription £215

Family membership categories will cover you, your partner and any number of children up to the age of 18. Please register their names and bates of birth here.

One boat parking space is also included in this membership. For additional boats please use separate additional boat subscription?

Any additional boats owned and sailed by young members can the covered by a Young Persons Membership.

Single Boat Owning Membership

Annual End Date: 31st May
Single Boat Owning subscription £200

Individual member over the age of 25 with one boat storage included. For additional boats please use separate additional boat subscription?

Young Person Membership

Annual End Date: 31st May
Young Person Subscription £46

Young person membership will cover young members up to the age of 25 who are not already covered by a Family membership. The fee includes storage of their own boat.

This membership level allows use of club boats which can be hired via the OD as required.

Family Crew Membership

Annual End Date: 31st May
Family Crew Standard subscription £139

This is a family crew membership for you and your partner, with any number of children under the age of 18.

Please register their names and bates of birth here.

This membership level allows use of club boats which can be hired via the OD as required.

Single Crew Membership

Annual End Date: 31st May
Standard subscription £74

Individual non boat owner membership 26 years and over. This membership level allows use of club boats which can be hired via the OD as required.

Temporary Membership per month

Period: 30
Standard subscription £20

This is a temporary monthly membership for visiting sailors and covers one month from date of subscription.


This allows any individual temporary crew membership to allow hire of the club boats at a cost itemised depending on the boat type used. See OD on duty for boat hire rates per session.

Locker Rental

Annual End Date: 31st May
Standard subscription £8

Please select this subscription if you already have a locker allocated to you. Please contact Richard Halton to enquire on locker availability if you currently don't have one allocated?

Additional Boat

Annual End Date: 31st May
Additional Boat Space £83

If you require space for a number of additional boats over and above your boat owner membership please add this to your order?

Key Deposit

Period: 999999999
Standard subscription £20

As a boat owner at the club you can hire a club key to access main areas of the club. This is a one off charge and will be returnable when you hand back the key.

Please contact ELSC Membership before selecting this subscription?

Social Membership

Annual End Date: 31st May
Standard subscription £39

Social membership of ELSC is available for non sailors who wish to support the club off the water and to join in many of the social activities that happen throughout the year. You are also very welcome to get involved with assisting the Race Officer with AOD duties in the Hut !

Honorary Memberships

Annual End Date: 31st May
Standard subscription £0

Honorary Memberships are awarded by the club committee from time to time to long standing members who have served the club for many years. Please contact the Membership Secretary for renewal of Honorary Memberships?

Club Joining Fee

Period: 99999999
Standard subscription £50

The one off joining fee is payable by all new Boat Owners.

Young people who transfer from family membership will not need to pay this.

Trial Sail Voucher

Period: 182
Standard subscription £30

Use this To Purchase a Trial sail Voucher which entitles you to a one hour on the water trial sail with an instructor and equipment provided. This can be arranged for a future date and time mutually convenient. Please wear warm old clothing and soft sole shoes which can get wet. A waterproof layer is also required.