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Welcome to Exeter Canoe Club

Training Courses

Courses with external coaches for which there is an additional charge. These include such things as first aid courses and white water safety and rescue courses. 



Sun 10 Sep: PSRT 2023

Sun 8 and Sun 15 Oct:  Paddlesport Instructor Course 2023

Sat 2 - Sun 3 Dec:  White Water Safety and Rescue 2023


Waiting Lists

The club regularly organises first aid and safety courses. If you are in need of one of these courses please add your name to the appropriate waiting list below.

First Aid Course Waiting List

Foundation Safety and Rescue Waiting List


If you would like to do your sea kayak award please add yourself to the waiting list at the link below:

Sea Kayak Award Waiting List


If you are interested in becoming a leader or a coach British Canoeing offers courses in a range of disciplines. More information can be found at the PaddlesUp training website: https://paddlesuptraining.com/. The club can organise Paddlesport leader and Core Training courses. If you would like to do one of these please add your name to the appropriate waiting list below:

Paddlesport Leader Waiting List

Core Coach Training Waiting List


If you require another training course such as a coaching or leadership course please chat to Susan (Volunteer coordinator) or contact her at reccoach@exetercanoeclub.org.uk.
