Welcome to Gipping Riding Society
Home > Chairman's Challenges

These challenge's are currently for member's only and set by our Chairman (Alison).
There will be allocated points for having a go and successes. However, whilst it'll turn into a competition (with rosettes) for those so minded, please accept that it's not meant to be full on serious!
All entries must be emailed to membershipgrs@gmail.com
The current challenges are:
Challenge 27 (with horse) How flexible is your horse's neck? Try holding a carrot between the horse's chin and chest.
Challenge 28 (indoors) Finish this sentence What my horses/pony really, really loves is ......................
Entries close 8pm Thursday 14th May for challenges 27 and 28.
Challenge 29 (with horse) Create an unusual object and see how close your horse will get to it.
Challenge 30 (indoors) Imagine you're going to a XC competition. Design a numnah/ top / hat cover etc for you and your horse to compete in.
Entries close 8pm Wednesday 20th May for challenges 29 and 30.
Challenge 31 (with horse) It's a two picture week! First picture - mane before plaiting. Second picture - plaited mane (or at least half of it!)
Challenge 32 (indoors) Have you got an old horse shoe? If so, decorate it and send a pic. If not, just draw a decorated horse shoe.
Entries close 8pm Wednesday 27th May for challenges 31 and 32.
If the deadline doesn't work for you, send your answer at any time and you'll get points for having a go.
Have fun and stay safe!