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Existing members Renew   your subscriptions here.

Club subs are in the following categories, Junior (under 18s) Senior (60 and over) and Adults (the ones in between).  If the yearly membership is too steep, we also offer paying in 6 month blocks.


There is now no longer a Sunday shoot fee, please leave your cash at home!  You must however register attendance by texting the new club mobile number on the morning of the shoot.  The number is: 07907 386096.

Junior Membership - 6 Months

Period: 182
6 Months £20

For under 18s

Senior Membership - 6 Months

Period: 182
6 Months £40

60 and Over

Adult Membership - 6 Months

Period: 182
6 Months £50

For those who do not fall into the Junior or Senior category

JSB Pellets

Monthly Subscription
Standard subscription £13

Junior Guardian - 6 Months

Period: 182
Standard subscription £5

Non-shooting membership. All Junior shooters must be accompanied at all times be a named guardian

Pay as you go membership

Period: 365
Standard subscription £40

£40 per year with weekly visit fee of £4

Junior Membership - 1 Year

Period: 365
1 year £40

For under 18s

Senior Membership - 1 Year

Period: 365
1 Year £80

60 and Over

Adult Membership - 1 Year

Period: 365
1 Year £100

For those who do not fall into the Junior or Senior category.

Air Arms Pellets - 8.4s

Monthly Subscription
Standard subscription £13

Junior Guardian - 1 year

Period: 365
Standard subscription £10

Non-shooting membership. All Junior shooters must be accompanied at all times be a named guardian. 

Air Arms Pellets - 7.9s

Period: 10
Standard subscription £10

Due to a shortage in the availablity of pellets, we can only allow you to purchase 2 tins of pellets at a time