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Junior Membership

Annual End Date: 31st March
Annual subscription £30

Junior membership gives the holder full use of the clubs equipment and facilities, but with no voting rights. Only available to those under the age of 18. 


Annual End Date: 31st March
Annual subscription £20

Student or unwaged membership gives the holder full use of the clubs equipment and facilities, and full voting rights. Only available to those over the age of 18 and in full time education or unwaged. 


Country Membership if waged and over 18 is periodic access to kit and equipment but NOT regular pool/coaching sessions 

Adult membership

Annual End Date: 31st March
Annual subscription £40

Adult membership gives the holder full use of the clubs equipment and facilities, and full voting rights. Only available to those over the age of 18.

Family membership

Annual End Date: 31st March
Annual subscription £80

Membership for up to 2 adults and all juniors under 18 years of age living at the same address.