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Existing members Renew   your subscriptions here.

Take a look at this summary table then select the correct subscription products for you and /or members of your household below.




  • 16 and over
  • Track pass optional



  • If any other household member is paying full fees
  • 16 and over
  • Track pass optional


  • Up to 16
  • Includes track pass
  • Administered by parent


  • If any other household member is paying full fees
  • Up to 16
  • Includes track pass
  • Administered by parent


  • In full time higher education living 30 miles from Leamington
  • Track pass optional



  • English Athletics registration already paid at your other club
  • Can compete for LC&AC in a discipline not done by your other club
  • Track pass optional

TRACK PASS - this allows free entry for LCAC athletes to Edmondscote athletics track during club booking times [Tuesday 5.30 - 8.30pm, Thursday 5.30 -8.30pm, Sunday 10.30 -12.00 noon] plus reduced fees at other times. It pays for itself if you come to10 or more track sessions a year. This discounted rate is only available to LCAC members.

If you do not have a track pass you MUST pay £7 per session into the metal box on the left wall of the club room.




Senior concession membership

Annual End Date: 31st March
  • If any other household member is paying full fees.
  • 16+ on April 1st 2024.
  • inc 1 EA registration for 1 April to 31 March
  • Track pass optional

Reduced pricing in first year (renewals at full price)

Full year price: £42 1/4 ⇒ 30/9 1/10 ⇒ 28/2 29/2 ⇒ 31/3
£42 £33 £42 *
* Includes following year

Junior concession membership - includes track pass

Annual End Date: 31st March
  • If any other household member is paying full fees
  • Under 16 on April 1st 2024
  • Administered by parent
  • inc 1 EA registration for 1 April to 31 March

Reduced pricing in first year (renewals at full price)

Full year price: £112 1/4 ⇒ 30/9 1/10 ⇒ 28/2 29/2 ⇒ 31/3
£112 £75 £112 *
* Includes following year

Silver membership

Annual End Date: 31st March
Standard subscription £42
  • 25+ years of continuous membership.
  • inc 1 EA registration for 1 April to 31 March

1st claim other discipline membership

Annual End Date: 31st March
  • English Athletics registration already paid at your 1st claim club
  • Track pass optional

Associate membership

Annual End Date: 31st March
Standard subscription £5

Non competing social members

Senior membership

Annual End Date: 31st March
Standard subscription £65
  • 16 + on April 1st 2024
  • inc 1 EA registration for 1 April to 31 March
  • Track pass optional

Reduced pricing in first year (renewals at full price)

Full year price: £65 1/4 ⇒ 30/9 1/10 ⇒ 28/2 29/2 ⇒ 31/3
Standard subscription £65 £47 £65 *
* Includes following year

Junior membership – includes a track pass

Annual End Date: 31st March
Standard subscription £135
  • Under 16 on April 1st 2024
  • You must get coach approval before applying for this membership
  • Administered by parent
  • inc 1 EA registration for 1 April to 31 March

Reduced pricing in first year (renewals at full price)

Full year price: £135 1/4 ⇒ 30/9 1/10 ⇒ 28/2 29/2 ⇒ 31/3
Standard subscription £135 £89 £135 *
* Includes following year

Student membership

Annual End Date: 31st March
Standard subscription £39
  • In full time higher education living 30 miles or more from Leamington
  • inc 1 EA registration for 1 April to 31 March
  • Track pass optional


Annual End Date: 31st March
Standard subscription £0

For qualified coaches and assistant coaches that meet the club's criteria for this membership.

Track pass

Annual End Date: 31st March
Standard subscription £70

The track pass allows LCAC athletes entry to Edmonscote athletics track during club booking times plus reduced fees at other times. This purchase is only available to LCAC members.

Reduced pricing in first year (renewals at full price)

Full year price: £70 1/4 ⇒ 30/9 1/10 ⇒ 28/2 29/2 ⇒ 31/3
Standard subscription £70 £42 £70 *
* Includes following year