Existing members Renew your subscriptions here.
New Members:
The Club offers the following membership options:-
Try Metros for a month
Monthly SubscriptionTry as many Metros sessions as you want for one month for just £2.
Couch to 5K April 2025
Annual End Date: 28th FebruaryCouch to 5K programme starting in January 2025; includes membership of Metros through to end February 2026.
Family membership
Annual End Date: 28th FebruaryFamily groups: adults are £25, students aged 18-22 are £5, and under 18s, £1
Reduced pricing in first year (renewals at full price)
Full year price: £25 | 1/3 ⇒ 31/7 | 1/8 ⇒ 31/10 | 1/11 ⇒ 18/12 | 19/12 ⇒ 28/2 |
Adult | £25 | £15 | £10 | £25 * |
Adult membership
Annual End Date: 28th FebruaryAnnual subscription costs £25.
Reduced pricing in first year (renewals at full price)
Full year price: £25 | 1/3 ⇒ 31/7 | 1/8 ⇒ 31/10 | 1/11 ⇒ 18/12 | 19/12 ⇒ 28/2 |
Individual Adult | £25 | £15 | £10 | £25 * |
EA Membership
Annual End Date: 31st MarchAnnual membership of England Athletics. This is an optional extra for Metros members. There are no pro-rata discounts for part years. Renewals will be held by Metros and paid to EA on 1st April, the start of their membership year.
Annual End Date: 28th FebruaryFor former Metros who want to stay in touch and non running guardians of junior members & supported adults
Over 70s Membership
Annual End Date: 28th FebruaryFor adults aged 70 or over with 5 years as a full paying adult member.
Supported Adult
Annual End Date: 28th FebruaryMembership for adults who require one to one support from a nominated guardian who must be a fMetros member or Supporter.