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Welcome to South Devon (Moorland) Pony Club

Pony Club Camps

CAMPS 2024


Senior Camp - Saturday 3rd to Tuesday 6th August – Pontispool

We are planning to hold a three day Senior Camp at Pontispool this summer. Members will arrive on the evening of Satuday 3rd August and finish late afternoon on Tuesday 6th August.
Members aged 10 years plus may apply to come to Camp. Members must be independent riders and capable of jumping 60cm plus confidently, as well as being happy to spend 3 nights away from home! Camp is for those who are D+ to B test standard. We have some excellent coaches booked who will help you achieve better standards of riding and horsemanship using the fabulous facilities at Pontispool. It is also a great opportunity to have fun with friends old and new.
It will be joint Camp with the Mid Devon and Spooners & West Dartmoor branches.
Cost anticipated to be in the region of £300, but hoping the branch will be able to subsidise depending on funds raised from events.
Please pay a deposit of £50 by 30th June if you would like to come to Camp this summer.


Mini Camp - Saturday 17th to Sunday 18th August – Holwell Lawn

Mini Camp returns on 17th / 18th August. All mini / junior members are very welcome, as are their families for the Saturday evening BBQ and camp over.

This year, we will be having mounted / dismounted lessons and doing badges, as usual, but we'll also plan a fun Saturday evening which will include a BBQ, fun assault course for the children (and any willing adults!) and - hopefully - a chat / demo on racing from Alice Mills, including a chance for everyone to try out her Equicise simulator :)

On Sunday there will be an end-of-camp gymkhana / formation ride and prizegiving.

To register interest please book and pay £20 deposit. Costs to be confirmed but anticipated to be in the region of £80.
