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Existing members Renew   your subscriptions here.

Single Adult

Period: 365
Standard Adult Subscription £85

Single Adult Membership (aged 18+ years old)



We use Paypal to process your Debit/Credit details, you do not need a Paypal account to use this facility.



For new members use this link to our welcome pack.

Members Pack 


80+ years old

Period: 365
Standard subscription £0

Membership for people who are 80+ years old.

Please show I.D to office staff


For new members use this link to our welcome pack.

Members Pack 

Full Group Membership

Period: 365
Standard group subscription £130

A group Membership, up to TWO Adults and up to THREE  Children.



We use Paypal to process your Debit/Credit details, you do not need a Paypal account to use this facility.


For new Members use this link to our welcome pack.

Members Pack 


Junior Membership

Period: 365
Standard Junior Subscription £35

Junior Membership  (up to and including 17 years old). 



We use Paypal to process your Debit/Credit details, you do not need a Paypal account to use this facility.


For more information see our members pack

Members Pack

Lifetime Membership

Period: 10950
Lifetime Membership £1,500

Why not join as a lifetime member?



For new members use this link to our welcome pack.

Members Pack 

Ten Pound

Period: 0
Ten Pounds £10

Please donate Ten Pounds

Five Pound

Period: 0

Donate Five Pounds