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Existing members Renew   your subscriptions here.

Please select the right subscription from the choices below. If you want to be a member, or continue to be a member of Macclesfield Wheelers (other than a SOCIAL member), you MUST have third party insurance. Click here on how to get third party insurance. For existing members, use the RENEW button above, or select the RENEW subscription below. You can pay by PayPal (you don't need a PayPal account to do this) or by cheque.

If you are under 18 years age, please apply using the Paper application form (Membership is free but you MUST still have third party insurance, which you can purchase with Cycling UK using the form).

RENEW my membership

Annual End Date: 31st December
I am over 22 years age: £15
Second claim member £15
Under 18 member £0
I am 18-22 years age: £0

You already are a member and want to RENEW your membership. You already have, and will maintain, third party insurance with an approved cycling organisation.

Become a NEW member

Annual End Date: 31st December
I am over 22 years age: £15
Under 18 member £0
I am 18-22 years age: £0

You will become a NEW member. You already have, and will maintain, third party insurance with an approved cycling organisation - see link here on getting third party insurance.

If you join after 31 October, you get membership with Macclesfield Wheelers for next year as well at no extra cost (so long as you weren't a member of Macclesfield Wheelers last year).

Apply to be a SOCIAL member

Annual End Date: 31st December
Price £5

You want to be a member but do not ride a bicycle. If you join after 30 June, you get membership with Macclesfield Wheelers for next year as well at no extra cost. Use this if you want to RENEW as a social member.