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Existing members Renew   your subscriptions here.

Please use this page to select from the Membership (including boat/board) options available at Draycote Water Sailing Club.

If you have any problems or need assistance please contact us on office[at]draycotewater.co.uk or call 01788 811153.

Membership Renewal

If you pay by Direct Debt then your subscription will continue automatically.

If you paid by Bank Transfer you will receive an automated email on 1st April.

If you paid by Card please select the tab below "Renew Subscriptions" and follow the on screen instructions.



1: All memberships run yearly, the tabs below allow you to select "annual" (paid as a one off cost) or "monthly" (same cost split over 12 months).

2: Existing members renewing membership after April must pay the full year (by selecting the payment option titled "existing members")

Which membership is right for you?

Family Membership

Includes partner living at the same address and children of both or either of them , living at the same address, aged 18 and under at the start of the membership year (1st April).

Non-sailing members of the family group and those aged under 8 will be Family members of the Supporters' Club. The fees are exactly as before and the rights and privileges remain the same.

Individual Membership:

Anyone age 26 or over at the start of the membership year (1st April) and not covered by another category.

Young person A

A young person from there 8th birthday to aged 18 at the start of the membership year (1st April) where the parent is not a member. This includes social membership of the supporters club for up to 2 parents/guardians.

Young person B

A young person aged from 8 up to 18 at the start of the membership year (1st April) where the parent or guardian is already a sailing member.

Young person C:

An adult between 19 and 25 at the start of the membership year (1st April).

Social Membership

A membership to the supporters' club for a non sailing family or friend of a full member.


Either adult or junior boat.

Family Boat Package:

All boats / sailboards registered to a Family Membership and sailed at least 90% of the time by Members in that Family Membership.

All new members need to add the "members pack" to their basket.

This pack includes all access cards and fob, car park stickers and other information leaflets that will enable you to use the club and get the most out of your new membership.       


Members Pack

Monthly Subscription
Single £15
Family £25

This is a one off new members pack which is applicable to members joining the club and is COLLECTED from the office or waterside reception when you come to the club for the first time

If you are a renewing member you do not need to add this to your basket.


There are 2 options Single and Family.

Single is for all junior, individual and associate memberships

Family is only for family membership.




Family Membership (M)

Monthly Subscription
Existing Member £45.58
New Member £45.58

Direct Debit Only - NOT CARD


Family Membership from now to 31st March.


Includes partner living at the same address and children of both or either of them , living at the same address, aged 18 and under at the start of the membership year (1st April).

Non-sailing members of the family group and those aged under 8 will be Family members of the Supporters' Club. The fees are exactly as before and the rights and privileges remain the same.


By splitting the yearly amount into 12 payments you are agreeing to pay for the remainder of the membership year.

Ordinary Membership (M)

Monthly Subscription
Existing Member £34.92
New Member £34.92

Direct Debit Only - NOT CARD


Ordinary Membership running from now to 31st March.


Anyone age 26 or over at the start of the membership year (1st April) and not covered by another category.



By splitting the yearly amount into 12 payments you are agreeing to pay for the remainder of the membership year.

Young Person A (M)

Monthly Subscription
Existing Member £17.83
New Member £17.83

Direct Debit Only - NOT CARD


Young person A membership running from now to 31st March


A young person from there 8th birthday to aged 18 at the start of the membership year (1st April) where the parent is not a member. This includes social membership of the supporters club for up to 2 parents/guardians.


By splitting the yearly amount into 12 payments you are agreeing to pay for the remainder of the membership year.

Young Person B (M)

Monthly Subscription
Existing Members £11.83
New Members £11.83

Direct Debt Only - NOT CARD


Young person B membership running from now to 31st March.


A young person aged from 8 up to 18 at the start of the membership year (1st April) where the parent or guardian is already a sailing member.


By splitting the yearly amount into 12 payments you are agreeing to pay for the remainder of the membership year


To Purchase this as a Direct Debt there must be a second Direct Debt subscription.

Young Person C (M)

Monthly Subscription
Existing Member £17.83
New Member £17.83

 Direct Debit Only - NOT CARD


Young person C membership running from now to 31st March.


An adult between 19 and 25 at the start of the membership year (1st April).


By splitting the yearly amount into 12 payments you are agreeing to pay for the remainder of the membership year.



Boat Fee (M)

Monthly Subscription
Existing Member Adult Boat £11.33
Existing Member Junior Boat £5.67
New Member Adult Boat £11.33
New Member Junior Boat £5.67

Direct Debit Only - NOT CARD


Members wishing to use their own boats / sailboards on the water controlled by the Club, shall purchase an annual boat / sailboard registration, which shall entitle a member to sail his or her own boat / sailboard on the water controlled by the Club. And a space in the Club’s boat park (not applicable to sailboards)




There are 2 options, either Adult or Junior boat depending on the age of the sailors.

A Junior Boat is a boat or board sailed 90% of the time by juniors up to the age of 18 (on 1st April).




 This is an annual membership payable monthly. You are agreeing to pay for the full year. It is not a monthly membership.

Family Boat Package (M)

Monthly Subscription
Family Boat Package £22.67

Direct Debt Only - NOT CARD


All boats / sailboards registered to a Family Membership and sailed at least 90% of the time by Members in that Family Membership can be covered by a ‘family boat fee’ which will be charged at twice the adult boat/board fee.


Members Pack

Monthly Subscription
Single £15
Family £25

This is a one-off new members pack which is applicable to members joining the club and is COLLECTED from the office or waterside reception when you come to the club for the first time

If you are a renewing member you do not need to add this to your basket.


There are 2 options Single and Family.

Single is for all junior, individual and associate memberships

Family is only for family memberships.


Family Membership (A)

Annual End Date: 31st March
Existing Member £547
New Member £547

Family Membership from now to 31st March.


Includes partner living at the same address and children of both or either of them , living at the same address, aged 18 and under at the start of the membership year (1st April).

Non-sailing members of the family group and those aged under 8 will be Family members of the Supporters' Club. The fees are exactly as before and the rights and privileges remain the same.


Reduced pricing in first year (renewals at full price)

Full year price: £547 1/4 ⇒ 30/4 1/5 ⇒ 31/5 1/6 ⇒ 30/6 1/7 ⇒ 31/7 1/8 ⇒ 31/8 1/9 ⇒ 30/9 1/10 ⇒ 31/10 1/11 ⇒ 30/11 1/12 ⇒ 31/12 1/1 ⇒ 31/3
New Member £547 £501.42 £455.83 £410.25 £364.67 £319.08 £273.50 £227.92 £182.33 £547 *
* Includes following year

Ordinary Membership (A)

Annual End Date: 31st March
Existing Member £419
New Member £419

Ordinary Membership running from now to 31st March.


Anyone age 26 or over at the start of the membership year (1st April) and not covered by another category.




Reduced pricing in first year (renewals at full price)

Full year price: £419 1/4 ⇒ 30/4 1/5 ⇒ 31/5 1/6 ⇒ 30/6 1/7 ⇒ 31/7 1/8 ⇒ 31/8 1/9 ⇒ 30/9 1/10 ⇒ 31/10 1/11 ⇒ 30/11 1/12 ⇒ 31/12 1/1 ⇒ 31/3
New Member £419 £384.08 £349.17 £314.25 £279.33 £244.42 £209.50 £174.58 £139.67 £419 *
* Includes following year

Young Person A (A)

Annual End Date: 31st March
Existing Member £214
New Member £214

Young person A membership running from now to 31st March


 A young person from there 8th birthday to aged 18 at the start of the membership year (1st April) where the parent is not a member. This includes social membership of the supporters club for up to 2 parents/guardians.


Reduced pricing in first year (renewals at full price)

Full year price: £214 1/4 ⇒ 30/4 1/5 ⇒ 31/5 1/6 ⇒ 30/6 1/7 ⇒ 31/7 1/8 ⇒ 31/8 1/9 ⇒ 30/9 1/10 ⇒ 31/10 1/11 ⇒ 30/11 1/12 ⇒ 31/12 1/1 ⇒ 31/3
New Member £214 £196.17 £178.33 £160.50 £142.67 £124.83 £107 £89.17 £71.33 £214 *
* Includes following year

Young Person B (A)

Annual End Date: 31st March
Existing Member £142
New Member £142

Young person B membership running from now to 31st March.


A young person aged from 8 up to 18 at the start of the membership year (1st April) where the parent or guardian is already a sailing member.


Reduced pricing in first year (renewals at full price)

Full year price: £142 1/4 ⇒ 30/4 1/5 ⇒ 31/5 1/6 ⇒ 30/6 1/7 ⇒ 31/7 1/8 ⇒ 31/8 1/9 ⇒ 30/9 1/10 ⇒ 31/10 1/11 ⇒ 30/11 1/12 ⇒ 31/12 1/1 ⇒ 31/3
New Member £142 £130.17 £118.33 £106.50 £94.67 £82.83 £71 £59.17 £47.33 £142 *
* Includes following year

Young Person C (A)

Annual End Date: 31st March
Existing Member £214
New Member £214

Young person C membership running from now to 31st March.


An adult between 19 and 25 at the start of the membership year (1st April).

Reduced pricing in first year (renewals at full price)

Full year price: £214 1/4 ⇒ 30/4 1/5 ⇒ 31/5 1/6 ⇒ 30/6 1/7 ⇒ 31/7 1/8 ⇒ 31/8 1/9 ⇒ 30/9 1/10 ⇒ 31/10 1/11 ⇒ 30/11 1/12 ⇒ 31/12 1/1 ⇒ 31/3
New Member £214 £196.17 £178.33 £160.50 £142.67 £124.83 £107 £89.17 £71.33 £214 *
* Includes following year

Boat Fee (A)

Annual End Date: 31st March
Adult Boat (Existing Member) £136
Junior Boat (Existing Member) £68
Adult Boat (New Member) £136
Junior Boat (New Member) £68

Members wishing to use their own boats / sailboards on the water controlled by the Club, shall purchase an annual boat / sailboard registration, which shall entitle a member to sail his or her own boat / sailboard on the water controlled by the Club. And a space in the Club’s boat park (not applicable to sailboards)




There are 2 options, either Adult or Junior boat depending on the age of the sailors.

A Junior Boat is a boat or board sailed 90% of the time by juniors up to the age of 18 (on 1st April).



Reduced pricing in first year (renewals at full price)

Full year price: £136 1/4 ⇒ 30/4 1/5 ⇒ 31/5 1/6 ⇒ 30/6 1/7 ⇒ 31/7 1/8 ⇒ 31/8 1/9 ⇒ 30/9 1/10 ⇒ 31/10 1/11 ⇒ 30/11 1/12 ⇒ 31/12 1/1 ⇒ 31/3
Adult Boat (New Member) £136 £124.67 £113.33 £102 £90.67 £79.33 £68 £56.67 £45.33 £136 *
Full year price: £68 1/4 ⇒ 30/4 1/5 ⇒ 31/5 1/6 ⇒ 30/6 1/7 ⇒ 31/7 1/8 ⇒ 31/8 1/9 ⇒ 30/9 1/10 ⇒ 31/10 1/11 ⇒ 30/11 1/12 ⇒ 31/12 1/1 ⇒ 31/3
Junior Boat (New Member) £68 £62.33 £56.67 £51 £45.33 £39.67 £34 £28.33 £22.67 £68 *
* Includes following year

Family Boat Package (A)

Annual End Date: 31st March
Family Boat Package £272

All boats / sailboards registered to a Family Membership and sailed at least 90% of the time by Members in that Family Membership can be covered by a ‘family boat fee’ which will be charged at twice the adult boat/board fee.

Reduced pricing in first year (renewals at full price)

Full year price: £272 1/4 ⇒ 30/4 1/5 ⇒ 31/5 1/6 ⇒ 30/6 1/7 ⇒ 31/7 1/8 ⇒ 31/8 1/9 ⇒ 30/9 1/10 ⇒ 31/10 1/11 ⇒ 30/11 1/12 ⇒ 31/12 1/1 ⇒ 31/3
Family Boat Package £272 £249.33 £226.67 £204 £181.33 £158.67 £136 £113.33 £90.67 £272 *
* Includes following year

Social Membership

Annual End Date: 31st March
Existing Member £90
New Member £90

Associate membership running from now to 31st March.


A membership to the supporters' club for a non sailing family or friend of a full member.

Reduced pricing in first year (renewals at full price)

Full year price: £90 1/4 ⇒ 30/4 1/5 ⇒ 31/5 1/6 ⇒ 30/6 1/7 ⇒ 31/7 1/8 ⇒ 31/8 1/9 ⇒ 30/9 1/10 ⇒ 31/10 1/11 ⇒ 30/11 1/12 ⇒ 31/12 1/1 ⇒ 31/3
New Member £90 £82.50 £75 £67.50 £60 £52.50 £45 £37.50 £30 £90 *
* Includes following year

Winter Membership

Annual End Date: 31st March
Adult £192
Junior (under 18) £98
Family £250

Join in all of Draycote Water Sailing Club's winter events with 5 month membership - ideal if your club closes for the winter months.


Winter membership gives all the advantages of full term membership, plus absolutely NO race duties or shore.


Other benefits include:

- Water open every day, except Christmas Day, with professional rescue cover

- Club fleet racing every Sunday

- Join our Pursuit races on Boxing Day & New Year's Day

- Onsite chandlery

- Professional catering every weekend

- Choose from 35+ club boats to hire

- Reduced entrance fee for the Draycote Dash (Selden SailJuice Winter Series)

- Boat fee includes secure trailer storage


Membership vaild for 5 months - 1st November to 31st March

Family membership is for 2 adults and children under 18 at the same address.

Winter Boat

Annual End Date: 31st March
Adult Boat £62.50
Junior Boat £32.50

Boat fee includes the launch and storage of both the boat and trailer.


To qualify as a Junior boat with reduced fees, it must be sailed predominately by a member who is under 18 at the start of the membership, and be one of the following classes:

29er, 420, Cadet, Laser, Laser 4.7, Laser Radial, Laser Pico,Optimist, RS Aero, RS Feva, RS Tera, Sailboard, Topaz Uno, Topper, or Topper Taz.



Academy Membership

Annual End Date: 31st March
Academy Membership (per person) £150

The Academy Membership is for an individual junior who is not covered by another full time membership of Draycote Water Sailing Club.

This Membership option runs from 1st September - 31st March and is only available to successful applicants of the Draycote Academy winter training program.


The boat must be registered if not covered by a full time membership already.

Anyone purchasing this who does not fall under the description above will have their membership cancelled and refunded less 10% admin fee.

Academy Boat Registration

Annual End Date: 31st March
Academy Boat Registration £45

The Academy Boat Registration is for a junior boat which is not covered by another full time membership of Draycote Water Sailing Club.

This Membership option runs from 1st September - 31st March and is only available to successful applicants of the Draycote Academy winter training program.


Anyone purchasing this who does not fall under the description above will have their membership cancelled and refunded less 10% admin fee.

Annual Subscription (25)

Annual End Date: 31st March
Annual Subscription £50

Trial subscription for those invited ONLY for this membership year.

Flexible Club membership for university students & young professionals.

This is the base fee payable for the year.

Month Add-On (25)

Period: 30
Monthly Add-on £25

30 Day add-on to to the SUB25 membership that gains you access to sail every day for those 30 days.

Includes boat registration and storage for the 30 days in a specific area of the boat park. Boats must be removed on the last day of the month. Boats remaining on site after the end of the period will be charged for another month.

Pursuit Race Add-On (25)

Annual End Date: 31st March
Pursuit race £30

Access to the 6 Club Pursuit races without needing to pay the monthly add-on fee.

Annual Boat Storage (25)

Annual End Date: 31st March
Annual Storage £136

Boat registration including storage for the full 12 months.