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Existing members Renew   your subscriptions here.

Your membership helps us to keep the class thriving now as well as building even stronger foundations for the future. The first Scorpion appeared in 1960 - truly a 'modern classic' dinghy! Join now and become an integral part of the Scorpion success story.  New members to the class can select a welcome package if desired  to get you started - see categories below for more information. Both Helm and Crew are required to have a valid membership subscription to take part in the annual National Championships, please see categories below and select the right one for you - please note that ONE member needs to be a FULL member.  If you need more information or have any questions please contact: membership@sailscorpion.co.uk



Associate Membership

Annual End Date: 31st March
Associate Subscription £15

Open to any person over the age of 18 on subscription date (1st April)). Annual membership expires on 31st March each year. Entitles member to full NSA Memberships benefits and may sail at the National Championships providing the other person in the boat is a FULL association member. Members who hold this subscription has NO voting rights.



Family membership

Annual End Date: 31st March
Standard subscription £45

Family Membership shall extend ordinary membership and include partner living at the same address and any children aged under 19 on March 31st of that year. 

Full Membership

Annual End Date: 31st March
Full Membership (>18) £35

Open to any person over 18 on subscription due date (1st April). Entitles member to all NSA benefits and has full voting rights. Annual membership expires on 31st March each year.


  • Full Membership:  is required by a minimum of one member per boat  to compete in the NSA National Championships, Silver Scorpion and Open events circuit. Please note that BOTH helm & crew need to be Association Members to take part in the Nationals this year (2022). Please see the National Championship NoR's for more information.
  • Free Training: A number of training events are held during the year.
  • Access to Website and other social media
  • Newsletter delivered direct to your email address (Please ensure you click o the newsletter link on the right hand side of the website).

(Please contact the Membership Secretary on membership@sailscorpion.co.uk if you require any further information).

Youth Membership

Annual End Date: 31st March
Youth Subscription £15

Open to any person under the age of 25 on subscription due date (1st April). Annual membership expires on 31st March each year. Entitles member to full NSA benefits but has no voting rights. Members with this category of membership may take part in the National Championships.

Scorpion Foundation

Period: 36000
Foundation support £100

Would you like to support the Scorpion Foundation?  This subscription is for anyone (existing member or not) who would like to make a one off donation. If you are already a member this donation is in addition to your annual membership fee. You can make as many additional donations as you would like in multiples of £100 If you would like any further information please contact NSA Treasurer on treasurer@sailscorpion.co.uk