Existing members Renew your subscriptions here.
Annual OAD subscription is due on 1 April, valid for 12 months, expiring 31 March
IMPORTANT - you must be a current member of IAM RoadSmart to be a member of OAD. If your IAM RoadSmart membership expires and lapses you cannot take part in any events or training, until your IAM RoadSmart membership is renewed.
Full and Fellow Members - subscription is £30 per year, reduced to £15 for prompt payment (by direct debit.only)
Prompt payment means within one month of the renewal date = the whole of the month of April
- Associate Members - one year subscription to IAM RoadSmart and OAD is included in the price of the Advanced Driver Course
Full/Fellow Member, DD
Annual End Date: 31st MarchOAD Standard Full/Fellow Member Subscription @ £30 pa, but for the year starting 1 Apr 2025 this is reduced to £5 for prompt payment (by direct debit.only)
Prompt payment means within one month of the renewal date = the whole of the month of April
Donation to OAD
Monthly SubscriptionTo make a donation to OAD