Bookings for Event Camping 26-06-2021 Open Day Camping

Maximum bookings 50
Paid bookings 19
Places available 30
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# Team/Lead Booker (this will be visible to all)
1 Jane Partridge
2 Team Toller
3 Andrew Sissons
4 Benton
5 Tracy Hyland
6 Alice Snape
7 Lee Gould
8 .
9 Blake Mawson-Burren
10 Evo
11 Craig Haslingden
12 Craig Haslingden
13 Giggle sisters
14 Tom Lauder
15 Mawson-Burren
16 trevor coldron
17 trevor coldron
18 trevor coldron
19 Dean Ritson
Unpaid in red