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Welcome to The Historical Dance Society

The Historical Dance Society promotes the study, practice, education, and public engagement in the performance, music, and costume of European and other dances from the 15th to 20th centuries as recorded in the sources of the period.

Historical dance, or early dance, embraces social dancing of the courts and ballrooms of Europe, and choreographies from theatre and court entertainments. The periods covered range from the fifteenth century to the nineteenth. Within this span, periods are often identified by slightly arbitrary titles, such as:

  • Renaissance dance (in England, Elizabethan dance and Tudor dance)
  • Baroque dance
  • Regency dance and Victorian dance

Some typical dance forms, in approximate chronological order, are:

  • Basse danse, Bassa danza, Ballo
  • Tordion, Pavan (or pavanne),Almain (or almayne), Galliard, Canario, Passomezzo (or Passo e mezo)
  • Country dance, Gigue, Sarabande, Rigaudon, Minuet (or Menuet)
  • Cotillion, Quadrille, Mazurka, Waltz

Early dance is based on careful research into original dance sources.  Dances are taught at many practical courses. 

Occasions such as revels, balls and assemblies provide opportunities for social dancing.


Membership is open to everyone with a love of period dance and/or music.

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