Welcome to Ibex Mountain and Hill Walking Club
This is the "WebCollect" Home page for:
- Applying and paying for events.
- Joining Ibex.
- Renewing membership.
- Receiving the monthly newsletter.
You need a WebCollect account to book events, to take out/renew Ibex membership, and to receive the monthly newsetter. See below for creating an account.
Click on the Ibex logo above to display this WebCollect Home page. Click on the My home link in the top right corner to see your bookings, subscription details, and personal details.
It is recommended that this page is not accessed directly, but via the main Ibex website (ibexhillwalkingclub.org.uk), otherwise important information regarding events and membership may be missed.
The WebCollect system treats bookings as "issued tickets" in confirmation emails when booking on events. No tickets are actually issued so just ignore any references to physical tickets.
When booking more than one place on an event (e.g. for a couple), an event application form needs to be completed for each applicant (you are automatically prompted to fill in the correct number of forms).
The Club welcomes members of all ages (18 and over) and abilities.
When you sign up and create an account you become a prospective member and will receive the monthly newsletter. You may book on one day walk and one weekend within 3 months of each other without being a full member to try out the club. By creating an account you give consent for photos taken on an Ibex event containing yourself to be used by Ibex (but Ibex will respond to any reasonable request to remove a photo).
Upon paying an annual subscription you become a full member.
Couples should create individual accounts and pay the annual subscription separately.
Creating an Account
This involves completing information for WebCollect registration and for Ibex registration. Note that there is some duplication, but this is unavoidable as Ibex needs the details in a particular format (for sending to the BMC for members). Once the details are added, they do not need to be added again (only updated if they change).
- Click on the Sign in or Sign up! link (top right corner).
- Under Sign up, fill in your details.
- In the My profile panel, click the Details link and fill in your details.
- In the My profile panel, click the Addresses link and fill in your details.
- In the (Ibex) Member Details for your name panel, click Edit and fill in your details.
- Click the Ibex logo to return to this WebCollect home page.
For how your personal details are used, please refer to Payments in the menu bar on the main Ibex website.
Renewing a Subscription / Taking out a Subscription
Membership runs from 1st January to 31st December. For renewals, please do not renew before 1st January (otherwise you may be charged again for the current year). For prospective members thinking of joining towards the end of the year, it may be beneficial to wait until 1st January onwards before joining (you can still apply for weekends in the following year which are bookable).
Before renewing your subscription or taking out a subscription, please check that your personal information is up to date (you will be asked to confirm this in the subscription form):
- Click on Access your account below.
- In the My profile panel, click the Details link.
- In the My profile panel, click the Addresses link.
- View details in the (Ibex) Member details for your name panel, click Edit if changes are required.
- Click the Ibex logo to return to this WebCollect Home page.
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