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Welcome to Swansea Airport Volunteers

These are exciting times for Swansea airport. The lease of Swansea Airport  has been transferred to the Swansea Airport Stakeholders Alliance and this is going to require significant volunteer support to allow the airport to operate. This web page has been created to collect details of potential volunteers and the skills you may have to offer. 


This database is stored on servers within the UK. The information you enter will not be shared with any third parties and if the volunteering project does not progress all data will be deleted. It will take about 10 minutes to complete the registration process.


How to register as a potential volunteer:


Step 1: Sign up for the Swansea Airport Volunteers group (top right of this page) 


Step 2: Sign in using the email address and password you have created


Step 3: On the "My profile" tab click "Details" and enter your contact phone numbers, and date of birth (optional).


Step 4: On the "My Profile" tab click "Addresses" and enter your address


Step 5: Then complete the membership form which collects some basic details about your aviation interests, your skills and how much time you might have to offer. You are not making any commitment to volunteer at this stage but you do have to consent to receive future updates on volunteering at the airport if you wish to become a member of the group. 


Step 6: You will receive email confirmation that you have been added to the volunteering group (this may take a few days to come through) and will receive email updates on the development of volunteering opportunities at the airport.


Step 7: We encourage you to join the Swansea Airport Stakeholders Alliance. This will be required to become an active volunteer.  For more information contact ralph.bettany@sasalliance.org


