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Welcome to Museum Ethnographers Group

The Museum Ethnographers Group is a UK-based, but international collective, whose members include:

museum curators, conservators & educators
university academics & students
artists & amateurs

Join us to become involved in debates relating to museum ethnography, whether you are working in museums, teaching, researching, studying, or just interested.

The first gathering together of interested parties occurred in 1974 and MEG was formally founded in April 1976. MEG has a long history of bringing individuals, institutions, artists and museum collections together to build knowledge and understanding around museum ethnography.

MEG is an active interface between museum professionals and university-based researchers and is recognised in the UK museums sector as a key subject-specialist network.

The Museum Ethnographers Group is registered as a charity in England and Wales with the Charity Commission (no. 1023150).


Join the Museum Ethnographers Group to become involved in debates relating to museum ethnography, whether you are working in museums, teaching, researching, studying, or just interested.

Membership is open to individuals,and there is a concessionary rate available to those on low incomes (below £18,000), whether students, early career, freelance, retired or part-time.

Accredited UK museums can join as institutional members and overseas museums and university libraries can subscribe to the journal.


Members receive:


  • The Journal of Museum Ethnography, containing articles, book and exhibition reviews as well as research notes
  • A heavily discounted rate on conference attendance and some MEG events
  • Access to a tailored programme of events supporting continual professional development
  • The regular e-newsletter containing up-to-date news, reviews, and notices as well as information about events
  • Online access to to back copies of the Journal of Museum Ethnography through JSTOR. Members will receive details from JSTOR when the new membership year begins.

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