Existing members Renew your subscriptions here.
Penultimate Boat Owner
Annual End Date: 28th FebruaryPENULTIMATE MEMBERSHIP
Owners of Penultimate (built to rules dated 1984 to 2006) and Classic boats (pre-1984 rules) may opt to pay a reduced fee, in which case they are entitled to only one vote. If a boat is jointly owned, at least one owner must be an Ordinary Member. The other may be either an Ordinary Joint Owner (one vote) are an Assocation Member (no voting rights).
Ordanary Member - Joint Owner
Annual End Date: 28th FebruaryOrdinary Member & Joint Owner
This is for Ordinary members and second Joint owners. Ordinary Members are entitled to one votes at a General Meeting or in a postal ballot.
Junior Member
Annual End Date: 28th FebruaryJUNIOR MEMBERSHIP
Junior Member lasts from March of the current year, until February. (under 21 or in full-time education, no voting rights)
Boat Owner
Annual End Date: 28th FebruaryOrdinary Membership is a requirement for any owner of an International 14 registered in the UK. Ordinary Members are entitled to two votes at a General Meeting or in a postal ballot.
Older Boat Owner
Annual End Date: 28th FebruaryOrdinary Member – Boat Owner, Older Boat (pre 1st Jan 2006)
Classic Boat Owner
Ordinary Membership is a requirement for any owner of an International 14 registered in the UK. Ordinary Members are entitled to two votes at a General Meeting or in a postal ballot.
Associate member
Annual End Date: 27th FebruaryASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP
The membership lasts from March of the current year, until February. (no voting rights)
New Boat Registration
Annual End Date: 28th FebruaryFirst time registration for a new boat
Replacement Certificate
Annual End Date: 28th FebruaryOrder an official replacement certificate
Annual Boat Registration
Annual End Date: 28th FebruaryTo help us track which boats are owned/sailed by whome. Could memebers fill in a boat registration form
Change Of Owner
Annual End Date: 28th FebruaryChange of certificate fee for a new owner