Dee Sailing Club


Existing members Renew   your subscriptions here.

Joining Fee

Period: 1
One-Off Charge £25

One-off payment for new members to cover processing of membership, issue of members card, access fob, etc.


Not Applicable to Junior Members.

Full (Annual)

Annual End Date: 31st December
Membership Subscription £161.50

Any person shall be eligible for full membership providing that he or she

            14.1.1 is an active sailor, or

            14.1.2 if a novice, satisfies the General Committee that he or she intends to become an active sailing member, or

            14.1.3 if unable to take an active part, satisfies the General Committee that he or she was previously an active sailor and that his or her membership would be beneficial to the promotion of the sport.

Retired (Annual)

Annual End Date: 31st December
Membership Subscription £99.50

Any person shall be eligible for retired membership if he or she would be eligible for full membership and either (being over the age of 60) has retired from active business or is over the age of 65.

Outport (Annual)

Annual End Date: 31st December
Membership Subscription £49.50

Any person living outside a radius of 50 miles from the Clubhouse and being a full member of a recognised yacht club shall be eligible for outport membership provided always that the General Committee may in its discretion waive the requirement that such person is a full member of a recognised yacht club in any particular case.

Junior (Annual)

Annual End Date: 31st December
Membership Subscription £26

Any person below the age of 18 shall be eligible for junior membership.

Associate (Annual)

Annual End Date: 31st December
Membership Subscription £65

The following persons shall be eligible for associate membership:-

any person who not being eligible under any of the foregoing categories satisfies the General Committee that his or her membership would be beneficial to the Club, or

any person who on 1st January in the year in question has attained the age of 18 but not the age of 23 years (or such greater age as the Committee shall in its discretion determine) and who is undergoing a full time course of vocational training, retraining or education and would otherwise be eligible for full membership

Family (Annual)

Annual End Date: 31st December
Membership Subscription £206

Persons who are eligible for membership under any of the foregoing categories and who are also members of a family or household unit (recognised as such by the General Committee) of whom at least one is a full member may, at the discretion of the General Committee, be eligible for family membership (which may include junior members only whilst such members are eligible for junior membership) at a concessionary annual subscription.

Young Adult (Annual)

Annual End Date: 31st December
Membership Subscription £56

Any person who is eligible for membership under any of the foregoing categories and is less than 25 years old on the 1st January of that year may, at the discretion of the General Committee, be eligible for young adult membership at a concessionary annual subscription.

Boat Storage (Annual)

Annual End Date: 31st December
Boat Storage (up to 24ft length) £109.50
Boat Stoage (over 24ft length) £145

Boat Storage (all boats)

Tender Storage (Annual)

Annual End Date: 31st December
Storage Charge £73.50

Tender Storage

Joining Fee

Period: 1
One-Off Charge £25

One-off payment for new members to cover processing of membership, issue of members card, access fob, etc.


Not Applicable to Junior Members.

Full (Monthly)

Monthly Subscription
Membership Subscription £15.12

Any person shall be eligible for full membership providing that he or she

            14.1.1 is an active sailor, or

            14.1.2 if a novice, satisfies the General Committee that he or she intends to become an active sailing member, or

            14.1.3 if unable to take an active part, satisfies the General Committee that he or she was previously an active sailor and that his or her membership would be beneficial to the promotion of the sport.

Retired (Monthly)

Monthly Subscription
Membership Subscription £9.95

Any person shall be eligible for retired membership if he or she would be eligible for full membership and either (being over the age of 60) has retired from active business or is over the age of 65.

Family (Monthly)

Monthly Subscription
Membership Subscription £18.83

Persons who are eligible for membership under any of the foregoing categories and who are also members of a family or household unit (recognised as such by the General Committee) of whom at least one is a full member may, at the discretion of the General Committee, be eligible for family membership (which may include junior members only whilst such members are eligible for junior membership) at a concessionary annual subscription.

Boat Storage (Monthly)

Monthly Subscription
Boat Storage (up to 24ft length) £9.12
Boat Stoage (over 24ft length) £12.08

Boat Storage (all boats)

Tender Storage (Monthly)

Monthly Subscription
Storage Charge £6.12

Tender Storage

unused Boat storage fee

Monthly Subscription
Standard subscription £43.33

This is a charge when a boat stored at the club and is not launched that year, this charge will need to be paid till the boat is next launched or removed from the club grounds

Joining Fee

Period: 1
One-Off Charge £25

One-off payment for new members to cover processing of membership, issue of members card, access fob, etc.


Not Applicable to Junior Members.