Metros Running Club


Existing members Renew   your subscriptions here.

New Members:

The Club offers the following membership options:- 


Associate Member

Annual End Date: 28th February
Standard subscription £12

For former Metros who have moved away and only visit occasionally but want to stay in touch..

This membership excludes entry to the water station and club marathon places ballots.

This is not suitable for those who are first claim EA with Metros.

Over 70s Membership

Annual End Date: 28th February
Over 70 £0

For adults aged 70 or over with 5 years as a full paying adult member.


Adult membership

Annual End Date: 28th February
Individual Adult £25

Standard adult annual subscription costs £25.



Reduced pricing in first year (renewals at full price)

Full year price: £25 29/2 ⇒ 31/7 1/8 ⇒ 31/10 1/11 ⇒ 18/12 19/12 ⇒ 28/2
Individual Adult £25 £15 £10 £25 *
* Includes following year

Family membership

Annual End Date: 28th February
Family Adult £25
Junior £1
Student £5

For family groups: adults are priced at the individual rate of £25, students aged 18-22 at £5, and under 18s at junior rate of £1



Reduced pricing in first year (renewals at full price)

Full year price: £25 29/2 ⇒ 31/7 1/8 ⇒ 31/10 1/11 ⇒ 18/12 19/12 ⇒ 28/2
Family Adult £25 £15 £10 £25 *
* Includes following year

Supported Adult

Annual End Date: 28th February
Standard subscription £0

Membership for adults who require one to one support from a family member or nominated adult who must be a full or associate member of Metros.

EA Membership

Annual End Date: 31st March
Standard subscription 2024 £19

Annual membership of England Athletics.  This is an optional extra for Metros members.

This payment will be made to EA on 1st April, the start of their membership year.