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Welcome to Pennine Sailing Club

Youth Based Training


outh Membership

The Youth Sailing, Coaching and Racing programmes are for members only. Young adults over the age of 16 years join the club in their own right as Cadets. Those under the age of 16 will need to join the club with a parent/guardian also joining as either a social or sailing member. If the parent is a social member, then any youngster also pays a Cadet fee. If the parent joins as a full adult sailing member, then the membership of any under 16s is free (over 16s still Cadet membership) although the parent would then also be expected to help support the racing programme by taking their turn on safety and race cover.






Assumed knowledge

Course Content

Ability after the course

Min duration

Min age

Level 1 Start sailing

None How to sail in all directions, including an awareness of launching and recovery Able to sail in light wiinds under supervision 6 week evenings 16
Level 2 Basic skills Sailing skills to Level 1 standard Rigging, launching, sailing in all directions. Capsize recovery and essential safety knowledge Able to sail and make decisions in good conditions 6 week evenings 16
Level 3 Better sailing Sailing skills to Level 2 standard Enhance your skills and develop techniques with a range of tasters from advanced modules More confident in sailing skills and techniques, and ready to progress onto the advanced modules 6 week evenings 16
Start, Intermediate and Advanced Racing Knowledge to at least Level 2 standard From fun racing to regattas - all you need to know to get off the start line and round the course If you go all the way through to Advanced Racing you will have developed your techniques and skills to enable you to confidently take part in higher level competition    
Performance sailing Skills and background knowledge to at least Level 3 standard Coaching to improve your sailing, primarily in two person bvoats with spinnakers. Able to sail faster and more efficiently in all conditions    

Events to book