Welcome to River Teign Rowing Club
Home > Club Seine Boat Use

If you want to book one the the 4 club Seine boats, then you have to first book it on TeamUp, a new online booking system
You can access online on the following link
Click the date, deselect 'All Day' and choose the time you want to book a boat and enter the following fields
Event Title - Seine Boat Booking
Repeats - Only use of you want a repeat booking, each week for example
Calendar - Select Boat you want to book
Who - Name of person responsible for booking
There will be a £5 per hour charge per boat, payable to your Cox which goes towards the upkeep of these boats
If coxes can then please collect the cash and put in an envelope with "RTRC Club Boat Use" and the booking date/times on the front and leave at the Dive Centre for collection.
Any problems or questions please use the Contact RTRC link