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Home > What is WebCollect?

WebCollect Q&A’s
Q What is WebCollect?
A WebCollect is on online solution to manage the club’s memberships and other charges as well as allowing members to book for events, all from one single login portal
Q How do I access it?
A You will receive an email with a login (your email address we have on file) all your details and memberships are already loaded from your old membership form
Q Why is this been introduced?
A As the members of the club, including novice members is over 500, we felt the need to simplify the process to manage memberships and events. This is to help the volunteers and committee members as well as making the process easier for members, both current and new. It provides output to the finance system and offers members direct payments from their bank, something that has been talked about for a while.
Q Who will be able to access it?
A Every current club member would have got an email. New members will just signup online and pay for their subscription.
Q Will there be training provided?
A If there is enough demand for it then we can hold some face to face drop in sessions probably at the Rugby Club
Q Both myself and my partner use the same email address, is this an issue?
A No, you will have a single login and you are classed as a group on Webcollect, when you purchase anything you say which one of the group it relates to. If you want separate logins then please contact us
Q Is it secure?
A https://webcollect.org.uk/pub/security
Q Do I still need to complete a paper application form?
A No, never again! all your data has been pre-loaded already, you just need to check it once you login
Q I have recently moved address, who do I tell?
A Nobody…you update your personal details yourself in WebCollect, it is your responsibility to keep the system updated
Q I want to join a junior member, how do I do that?
A You complete the details for yourself and the junior using the junior membership online form, no emails will be sent to the junior member unless you put a different email in for them
Q I don’t have a computer or laptop?
A You can access on smart phones or tablets. If you have no online access at all, then as a last resort you can still use the paper application form, and we will have to enter your data into Webcollect for you in order to add you to the membership database
Q It mentions on my home page belonging to a list, what is this for?
A We can use WebCollect for targeted emails to groups (Gig section, Seine section, Coxes etc) you can add or remove yourself on your homepage
Q I have a family membership, how does this work?
A You have been loaded on WebCollect already with a Family admin, and other family members included in your ‘group’
Q Previously we had early bird membership, does this still exist?
A No, all memberships completed online from this year are at the rate of £45 (plus section supplements if applicable) this was agreed at the last AGM.
Q Is the renewal date still 1st of March?
A No, the renewal date is 12 months from when you paid last. So, if you joined 13th July 2018, then renewal is 12th July 2019, meaning you get 12 months for the price of 12 months..
Q Can I renew early or do I have to renew exactly on my renewal date?
A Yes, you can renew anytime and it will add on 12 months from your current renewal date
Q Will I be reminded that my membership is due?
A No, it is up to the individual to renew before their membership lapses
Q It asks me to setup a Direct Debit, why?
A Once you set up a Direct Debit with the club (via GoCardless) then any payments you make just get taken direct from your bank, no need for cash, cheques, transfers. There is no charge to you for doing it this way.
Q Will payments keep being taken out my bank if I set up a Direct Debit?
A No, money will only be taken when you purchase something
Q Can I pay monthly for my membership?
A No, this feature is not available
Q Can I still pay by cash or cheque?
A Yes you can, but we prefer Direct Debit for ease of processing and managing the incomes
Q This looks expensive to the club, is it?
A No, we have set this up internally at no cost to the club, and annually it will cost us around 1% of our income
Q Some events are zero cost but I still have to go through checkout, why?
A Some events are registering your interest (Regattas for example) when you go through checkout you are confirming interest and you will get an email, so no confusion if you have registered or not.
Q Will we still use Doodle this year for Gig regattas?
A No, all regattas will be on WebCollect for you to register
Q I want to volunteer to help out on Junior Training, is this on WebCollect?
A Yes you subscribe as a ‘junior rowing volunteer’ which is zero cost, and it will ask you questions in line with our safeguarding policy.
Q Is it GDPR Compliant?
A Yes it is fully compliant with current GDPR rules
Q Apart from membership what other things can I pay for on WebCollect?
A Please see below
- Team registration for Seine boat series
- Paying to store oars in oar store
- Use of club Seine boats for the series or training
- Isles of Scillies towing fees
- Storage of personal boats – scull section
- Insurance of personal boats – Scull section
Q What events will be on there?
A Below are the main ones
- Gig Regattas, register interest
- Dry Rowing sessions, book and pay
- Charity events (colour row, quiz nights etc.)
- End of season Bash, buy tickets
- Frostbite challenge, register interest
- Gig World Championships, register interest
- Scull Regattas register interest (TBC)
Q I have an event coming up, can I use Webcollect to advertise/sell tickets?
A If its related to the Club then there is no reason why not, please use the contact RTRC link to provide details
Q Can the Gig regatta £5 towing fees be added?
A As regattas sometimes get cancelled due to weather then we think the extra admin of doing refunds is not worth it. So we will keep the £5 collection on the day.
Q Can I order RTRC Kit via WebCollect?
A Yes you can it is on the home page, you still have to send in a paper order form, please remember we have minimum order quantity of 11, this is still the case, so please email the link for details
Q I have forgotten my password, what do I do?
A Please follow the forgotten password link
Q Can booking slots on Novice nights be added?
A We do not believe at this stage that is possible as everyone would need to pre-register and would not be fair on rowers who just turn up, the same can be said for the on the day registration for the Seine boat races
Q I have other questions, who do I contact?
A There is a ‘Contact RTRC’ link on the home page