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Existing members Renew   your subscriptions here.

Annual subscriptions are due on the 1st April each year. If you joined after 1st October, your first years subs will cover the following year as well (ie a member joining in November 2018, wouldn’t need to pay anything more until 1st April 2020). After your initial membership has been paid, we recommend you set up a standing order for 1st April each year - you then don't need to remember to pay, and we don't need to remind you!

Bank Account Details: will be sent to you via text by our Treasurer on acceptance of your application to join. 

The concessionary membership is aimed at students and those with low income; it is done on a trust basis and no proof of eligibility is required. Please do not let the full individual fee be a barrier to you joining us; if your circumstances change, please remember to increase your fees though.

When joining SAGGA, you will be required to also join The Scout Association as a member of a country Scout active support unit (SASU). We'll sort all that out for you - either by linking the SASU to your current SA role(s), or setting you up as a new member. The SASU manager will then be in touch about any DBS check and training that is needed.

Your personal data will be stored on WebCollect (for SAGGA) and Compass (for The Scout Association) to support your application process, as well as your current and potential future involvement in Scouting. It is also kept for monitoring purposes. Some information is considered special category data under the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018, and as such will be managed as required under the regulation. Further information can be found at scouts.org.uk/dppolicy.


Annual End Date: 31st March
Joint subscription £20


Annual End Date: 31st March
Standard £12.50

Individual Concession

Annual End Date: 31st March
Standard subscription £7