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Existing members Renew   your subscriptions here.

Membership categories and annual subscription charges are detailed below.

Full Voting U18

Annual End Date: 31st March
Standard subscription £0

Individual Sailor or Owner or Social member under 18 years of age. Grants 1 vote in General Meetings and allows sailors entry to SCOA events

Social - Non-Voting

Annual End Date: 31st March
Standard subscription £0

Individual non-sailing associate member, attend events as a supporter, Free but no vote at general meetings

Full Voting

Annual End Date: 31st March
Individual subscription £15

Individual Sailor or Owner or Social member over the age of 18. Grants 1 vote in General Meetings and allows sailors entry to SCOA events

Social - Voting

Annual End Date: 31st March
Social - Voting subscription £10

Individual, non-sailing associate. Entitles member to attend events as a supporter. Grants 1 vote at general meetings

Reduced pricing in first year (renewals at full price)

Full year price: £10 1/4 ⇒ 31/8 1/9 ⇒ 30/1 31/1 ⇒ 31/3
Social - Voting subscription £10 £100 £10 *
* Includes following year