Welcome to St Catherine's Sailing Club
Home > Social

The club has an active social calendar, organised by our House Committee.
Popular annual events include the Winter Walk, Fitting Out Dinner, Regatta Lunches, Annual Dinner and Prize Giving.
Booking for an event is easy, just sign up on Webcollect.
If you have a skill or interest that you would like to share we would love to hear from you. If you are new to the Club, come and make new friends. If you are a 'regular' at Club events we look forward to seeing you.
If you would like to help out at any event please send an email to stcathsc@gmail.com, we’d love to hear from you. You don't need to commit to help at all the events, but any assistance with catering, dish washing, cake-making would be greatly appreciated.
Getting involved is an excellent way to meet new people and can be fun!