Existing members Renew your subscriptions here.
Membership categories and annual subscription charges are detailed below.
Prospective members please note: no payment will be requested until your membership has been approved by our Executive Committee and you have accepted our offer of membership.
Subscription rates are stated for the entire subscription period through to renewal date. The charges are not computed on a weekly/monthly basis, and refunds are not given for early termination.
Key deposit
Annual End Date: 31st JanuaryDeposit for key to open clubhouse and compound gates. Refundable on return of key on leaving club.
Joining fee
Annual End Date: 31st JanuaryPayable by all new members, individual or family. Not applicable to Temporary, Under 26 or Cadet Memberships.
Membership - Cadet Membership
Annual End Date: 31st JanuaryJunior subscription for children aget 13-18, whose parents are not members of the club
Full year price: £62 | 1/2 ⇒ 31/7 | 1/8 ⇒ 31/1 |
Junior subscription | £62 | £29.50 |
Joining fee
Annual End Date: 31st JanuaryPayable by all new members, individual or family. Not applicable to Temporary, Under 26 or Cadet Memberships.
Winter compound space - cruiser
Annual End Date: 15th SeptemberCompound space for cruisers over winter (5 months).
Select according to boat footprint in square metres, measured as LOA x beam.
Includes one tender per cruiser.
All new requests for compound space are reviewed by the Bosun before approval and allocation of a space. On approval, the Bosun will contact you to confirm your space and payment instructions.
Winter Compound space - orphan tender
Annual End Date: 15th SeptemberWinter compound space for "orphan" tenders - not packaged with an associated cruiser wintering in the compound.
For tenders with summer compound space only.
Summer Compound space - tender
Annual End Date: 31st JanuarySummer Compound space for cruiser-owner's tender.
Select < 3 metres (9ft 10in), 3-3.66 metres or > 3.66 metres.
Tenders >3.66 metres also require a Harbour Board licence sticker.
All new requests for compound space are reviewed by the Bosun before approval and allocation of a space. On approval, the Bosun will contact you to confirm your space and payment instructions.
Cruiser hoist fee
Annual End Date: 15th SeptemberFee for recovery of cruiser to club compound, and subsequent relaunch next spring.
Select according to boat footprint in square metres, measured as LOA x beam.
All new requests for cruiser recovery are reviewed by the Bosun for suitability of vessel for hoist and availability of compound space before approval. On approval, the Bosun will contact you to confirm your space and payment instructions.
Barbecue Hire
Period: 1Hire charge for use of club barbecue. The cleaning charge is optional - pay this if you want the club to arrange for the club to professionally clean the barbecue rather than cleaning it yourself.
if you do not wish to pay the cleaning charge you MUST leave the barbecue in pristine condition.
Club Hire deposit
Period: 1Deposit for hire of clubhouse. Refundable in full subject to no loss/damage occurring.
Please take care to complete the attached deposit refund form to ensure that we can return your deposit without incident.
Only to be used in conjunction with Club Hire.
Key refund request
Monthly SubscriptionSubscription to enable a leaving member to request a refund of their key deposit
Event corkage
Period: 1Duties Form 24/25
Annual End Date: 31st MarchFor access to duties hours report form. Nil charge.
Key deposit
Annual End Date: 31st JanuaryDeposit for key to open clubhouse and compound gates. Refundable on return of key on leaving club.
Club Hire
Period: 1Hire the clubhouse by the hour for private functions.
Bookings only accepted once Exec Committee approval given and requested date has been confirmed available. Please therefore contact the social secretary to request a booking, and await confirmation, before using this page.
You must also select Club Hire Deposit .
Please note that the associated club booking refund form is simply to provide us with the information to make a refund if a deposit payment has been made. This form doesn't act like a debit mandate - you still need to pay online via your bank website or send us a cheque etc.
Club hire cleaning fee
Period: 1The club requires cleaning after a private event. If you wish the club to arrange this, please purchase this subscription
Club booking set up
Period: 1Standard set up fee for club booking
Period: 1Donation to Tudor Sailing Club. Please complete the gift-aid declaration form if you are a taxpayer expecting to pay tax equivalent to at least 25% of your donation.
Cadet Boat package
Annual End Date: 31st JanuaryPackage includes dinghies, kayaks and gigs on cadet nights. Does not include use by parent.
Please note that the subscription period shows on Webcollect as 1/2-31/1, for ease of management of subscription renewals in February. Actual validity period runs 1/4-31/3.
Reduced pricing in first year (renewals at full price)
Full year price: £35 | 1/2 ⇒ 31/7 | 1/8 ⇒ 6/1 | 7/1 ⇒ 31/1 |
Standard subscription | £35 | £17.50 | £35 * |
Kayak Package
Annual End Date: 31st JanuaryPackage includes unlimited access to club single and double kayaks. Excludes cadet nights. Subject to availabilty of equipment and booking through the booking system. Where doubles are used both parties must hold a valid package or pay a single hire fee via Webcollect.
Please note that the subscription period shows on Webcollect as 1/2-31/1, for ease of management of subscription renewals in February. Actual validity period runs 1/4-31/3.
Reduced pricing in first year (renewals at full price)
Full year price: £70 | 1/2 ⇒ 31/7 | 1/8 ⇒ 6/1 | 7/1 ⇒ 31/1 |
Standard subscription | £70 | £33.50 | £70 * |
All Dinghy Boat Package
Annual End Date: 31st JanuaryPackage includes access to all club sailing dinghies. Unlimited access (subject to boat availability). Excludes cadet nights. Boat usage must be booked through the booking system. Where double handers are used both parties must hold a valid package or pay a single hire fee via Webcollect.
Please note that the subscription period shows on Webcollect as 1/2-31/1, for ease of management of subscription renewals in February. Actual validity period runs 1/4-31/3.
Reduced pricing in first year (renewals at full price)
Full year price: £110 | 1/2 ⇒ 30/9 | 1/10 ⇒ 6/1 | 7/1 ⇒ 31/1 |
Standard subscription | £110 | £55 | £110 * |
Gig Package
Annual End Date: 31st JanuaryPackage provides unlimited access to club rowing gigs subject to gig seat availability.
Please note that the subscription period shows on Webcollect as 1/2-31/1, for ease of management of subscription renewals in February. Actual validity period runs 1/4-31/3.
Reduced pricing in first year (renewals at full price)
Full year price: £134 | 1/2 ⇒ 31/7 | 1/8 ⇒ 6/1 | 7/1 ⇒ 31/1 |
Standard subscription | £134 | £67 | £134 * |
All Club Boats Package
Annual End Date: 31st JanuaryPackage includes access to all club sailing dinghies, kayaks and rowing gigs. Unlimited access (subject to boat availability). Excludes cadet nights. Dinghy / kayak usage must be booked through the booking system. Where double handed dinghies or kayaks are used both parties must hold a valid package or pay a single hire fee via Webcollect.
Please note that the subscription period shows on Webcollect as 1/2-31/1, for ease of management of subscription renewals in February. Actual validity period runs 1/4-31/3.
Reduced pricing in first year (renewals at full price)
Full year price: £178 | 1/2 ⇒ 31/7 | 1/8 ⇒ 6/1 | 7/1 ⇒ 31/1 |
Standard subscription | £178 | £89 | £178 * |
Membership - SSAC Family
Annual End Date: 31st JanuaryFamily membership for members associated with Tudor by membership of SSAC.
One or two adults, plus any number of children under 18.
Subscription discounted by 10% off standard subscription rate
Reduced pricing in first year (renewals at full price)
Full year price: £161.50 | 1/2 ⇒ 31/7 | 1/8 ⇒ 6/1 | 7/1 ⇒ 31/1 |
Standard subscription | £161.50 | £80.75 | £161.50 * |
Full year price: £56.50 | 1/2 ⇒ 31/7 | 1/8 ⇒ 6/1 | 7/1 ⇒ 31/1 |
Under 26 | £56.50 | £28.25 | £56.50 * |
Membership - SSAC Individual
Annual End Date: 31st JanuaryMembership for individuals over the age of 18 associated with Tudor by membership of SSAC.
Subscription discounted by 10% off standard subscription rate
Reduced pricing in first year (renewals at full price)
Full year price: £114 | 1/2 ⇒ 31/7 | 1/8 ⇒ 6/1 | 7/1 ⇒ 31/1 |
Standard subscription | £114 | £57 | £114 * |
Full year price: £40 | 1/2 ⇒ 31/7 | 1/8 ⇒ 6/1 | 7/1 ⇒ 31/1 |
Under 26 | £40 | £20 | £40 * |