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Welcome to Aberkayakers


Aberkayakers are definitely open

You can use this site to book on club sessions, trips or training.  Renew a membership.  Or even join Aberkayakers.

We have lots more information on Facebook and are developing an Instagram platform as well.

On Facebook, just search for Aberkayakers.

On the web use


Stay safe, enjoy your paddling and join us for excellent adventures.




If you would like to join please apply using the 'New Members' button.  There is an approvals process but this should not take more than three days.

We have memberships for individual adults over 18, family membership for one adult and any number of children and junior membership for a single under 18 year old.  These memberships include associate membership of Canoe Wales.

We also have a reduced rate membership where members are already independent members of Canoe Wales.


Once purchased memberships will autorenew each year.  If there are any changes for instance a child reaches the age of 18 or you no longer wish to continue as a member of Aberkayakers please email




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