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Welcome to Bassenthwaite Sailing Club

We are using WebCollect primarily to manage membership subscriptions, though we will use it to enable members and visitors to pre-enter, and pay for, Bass Week, open meetings, and social events as well. All pending and completed transactions will be acknowledged by email.

For security purposes, all banking details will be used directly by the collection agencies i.e. GoCardless or Paypal, and will not be accessible by either WebCollect or the Sailing Club.

We trust you will find the process straightforward and easy.

LOGIN HERE to access member options


There are several categories of membership to choose from. In addition, family members (spouse/children) can be included as an add-on to the main membership category.

A launch fee is payable per season for each boat that a member opts to launch.

Boat storage during the sailing season is included, but members wishing to keep their boats on site between 15 December and 15 February must pay the winter storage fee for each boat.

Existing Members

New Members

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