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Pay for use of boats   iCal entry for this event

Please pay the appropriate fee for each boat used.

Boats are available when not being used for training.

Boats may only be used in wind speeds less than 15 knts.

Toppers are available for junior development activities (racing, coaching or practice) for youth sailors who have completed either the Start Racing or RYA L2 course.

Boats are available on a first-come first-served basis.

Please pay after you have used a boat, to avoid us having to administer refunds, in case sailing is cancelled for any reason.

Please ensure boats and sails are clean after use, the covers are correctly fitted and boats tied down with protective tyres under the transom.

Boats and members are fully insured when used at BFYC and the club will be responsible for rectifying fair wear and tear. Boats are only insured when tied down to ground anchors.


Please record any damage or problems with the boat in the boat log kept in the container. This will ensure the boats are serviceable for the next user.

Location: Blackpool and Fleetwood Yacht Club


Select type
Ignore Date 31-12-2027
Availability until 31-12-2027
Type Price    
Pico, Topaz, Topper £10
L2000, Sport 14, GP14 £15