Home > Training > RYA Sea Survival Course 4th December 2016
RYA Sea Survival Course 4th December 2016
RYA Sea Survival course in Worcester on December 4th 2016.
Starts 10.00am and, finishes 5.15pm and covers the theory and also includes time in a swimming pool putting the theory into practice.
Please bring towel and either oilskins or clothing that will go into chlorinated pool water (such as pyjamas)
Please also bring a packed lunch. Tea & coffee will be provided.
You are welcome to bring along your own life jacket, however these will be provided - along with the life raft.
This sea survival course could help save your life if the event you go into the water. Give yourself a chance!
The cost of this course is £130 per person.
Only 12 places available so book early.