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Welcome to Burnham Overy Harbour Trust

The Burnham Overy Harbour Trust is a registered charity (No.287315) set up in 1982 to manage the harbour and creek for the benefit of its users. The objects of the charity are

  • to manage the harbour area in line with environmental and heritage objectives
  • to maintain and improve the creek and harbour and regulate access to the creek for those purposes
  • to co-operate with relevant organisations to promote water safety and application of byelaws

Boat Licenses

All Craft (boats, kayaks, paddle boards, inflatables) must be licensed to use the Harbour. A licence allows the boat to be launched and used in the Harbour, but does not include a right to park or moor the boat.

It is a requirement that you have third party insurance before you launch

Visiting the Harbour

Be aware that the Harbour has many dangers. By coming on to the Hard and/or the Creek area you acknowledge and agree to the following.

  • The Hard is not a car park and may flood at high tide

  • You come to the Hard and the Creek at your own risk and you are responsible for your own safety and the safety of your family and friends
  • The ebb flow (outgoing tide) can be very dangerous
  • Do not cross the Creek unless you know the state of the tide and the time of high tide, and are sure you can get back
  • All Craft must be licensed and insured to use the Harbour. They must be driven safely and must watch out for other users and follow the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea (IRPCS). 
  • The use of Jet Skis or Waterskiing is not permitted
  • Camping or caravans are not allowed on the Hard. No overnight parking.
  • Please do not leave litter, and clean up after your dog.
  • More guidance is displayed at the entrance to the Hard - please read this


All Members pay £5 per year. There are currently two classes of Annual Membership; Full Members and Associate Members.


Full Membership is exclusive and only open to the following;

  • those who are on the electoral roll of Burnham Overy Parish OR
  • are ratepayers in that parish OR
  • were born in that parish and now live in any one of the other Burnham Parishes

Only Full Members may vote at the AGM. Associate Membership is open to ALL those who share the Trust’s aims. 

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