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Welcome to Cholsey Holiday Play Scheme



CHiPS 2024 will run from Monday 29 July to Friday 2 August 2024 (9.00 - 3.00; doors open 8.30)




Please email cholseychips@gmail.com if you have any queries.


CHiPS has run in Cholsey for over 30 years and is run by a voluntary committee and staffed by play leaders and volunteers.  CHiPS is a not for profit organisation and is run by the community, for the community.


CHiPS is for children aged 5-11 years (your child must have reached the age of 5 years prior to CHiPS due to insurance restrictions), and for residents of Cholsey and Moulsford only.


To register your child(ren) for a place at CHiPS, please:

  • Set up a WebCollect account and sign in. Last year's membership details have been deleted, so a new account should be set up this year. 
  • Click on the Cholsey Holiday PlayScheme event ( to right of this text),  you must be signed in to see this. 
  • Please note you will need to complete this whole process (including payment stages) separately for each child that you would like to attend CHiPS. 
  • You will be asked to select the days and trips you would like your child to attend.  [For trip details - please see below]
  • We have found that the children benefit from attending consistently every day, so we encourage booking the whole week where possible.
  • If the day or trip is full, you can select the WAITING LIST option for that day or trip, and places will be allocated by the Registration Team. You will be contacted by email regarding waiting list places, and any payment required.
  • Once you are happy with the selections in your basket, please check out.  At this point you will be asked to complete a form with your details, child's details, medical declarations, GDPR consent etc.    
  • You can then proceed to payment options: BACS is preferred, but cash and cheques are also accepted.


If your child has additional or medical requirements, you must contact us immediately after registering to discuss your child's needs, and whether or not we can accommodate them.

To ensure the safety and wellbeing of all, the Committee reserves the right to decline registration if we cannot meet a child's needs.


Please note there are special funds available, through local grants, for families in financial difficulty, those with restricted incomes or those on Income Support or JSA. PLEASE feel free to approach any of the committee in confidence as we would like to give all children in Cholsey the opportunity to join in this fun week.


Please note that your place at CHiPS is not secured until the Committee has reviewed your registration form, payment has been received,  AND you receive a confirmation email (via the Webcollect system) to confirm receipt of payment. Payment should be made within 7 days of registration.  


CHiPS is run for the benefit of local children and the Committee reserves the right to decline registration.  


Places booked at CHiPS are non refundable in the event that your child is unable to attend.  We regret that no changes to days or trips can be made after registration,  so if you need to discuss trips with other parents - please do so BEFORE registering.  


For any further information on CHiPS or if you would like to become involved on the committee,  please contact:  Cholseychips@gmail.com.


Drop off and Pick Up

CHiPS runs daily from 9.00am - 3.00pm (doors open at 8.30am).


If your child is unwell, and in particular, displaying Coronavirus or sickness bug symptoms, please do not send your child to CHiPS, and please notify us accordingly.


Drop off - Scout Hut (behind the Red Lion pub) 

It is important that all children register each day they attend. We cannot guarantee the safety of any child left at the Scout Hut before registration. If a child is going to be late (after 9am), then it is the parent or guardian's responsibility to take them to the Scout Hut and inform an Adult Play leader of their arrival.

Pick up: - Scout Hut (behind the Red Lion pub)

Please ensure your child is collected at 3:00 promptly from the Scout Hall behind The Red Lion pub, via the front entrance. We cannot guarantee their safety after this time.  The departure of the children is supervised by a play leader and we will not allow any child of 8 or under to leave without an adult. If older children are walking home by themselves, you must have completed the permission slip available at morning registration.


Please note that our use of the Scout Hut does not include use of the Red Lion car park, so please do not use the pub car park for Drop off and Pick up. 


Fees and Trips

It costs £10 per day for your child to attend CHiPS.  This covers the basics:  Hall Hire,  Play leader time, Insurance, Craft Materials,  etc.   We have deliberately kept this price low to ensure we can be inclusive to everyone.


There are a number of activities available throughout CHiPS week for the children to take part in as well as organised trips, with limited spaces and at extra cost.  Some trips may use hired coaches or train travel, so please arrive on time each morning. Play leaders will be in charge on all trips with appropriate ratios in place.  


Other activities available during the week:

Outdoor sports and games -  basketball, football, badminton, volleyball, etc
Arts and Crafts- sewing, woodwork, board games, lego, loom bands, painting, etc. 
Indoor games- snooker, pool, table tennis, darts, chess etc.

Giant board games - Jenga, chess, etc.









No trips




trampoline park

All ages


Trampoline socks provided

Bring a packed lunch

Online waiver to be completed before

CHIPS week, using this link:









Camp Blue Football and Fun


Age 5-7





Age 8-11







Forest school:

Onsite, outdoors.

Wear Long Sleeves, Trousers

Bring Wellies (whatever the weather)

Wear Raincoat if wet, and Sunhat and Suncream if warm



Camp Blue Football/ Sports activities:

 Onsite, outdoors.

Wear appropriate footwear.






All ages


No booking required

Onsite, indoors.






No booking required


What to Bring

Please ensure children are dressed appropriately for all activities and trips. If the weather is hot,  please ensure they have sun cream already applied. Children should bring:

- Sensible shoes (no open toes)

- Water bottle

- Packed lunch or money for tuckshop in a named purse

- Sunhat

- Raincoat if wet

Please ensure all items are clearly named.

Bicycles and Scooters

We have no storage facilities for bikes or scooters. Please can they be left at home.

Outside Spaces

During CHiPS we will use the outside space in the park to play ball games. All walks to, and sessions in, the park will be supervised by the play leaders and children must follow the instructions given. Failure to do so may lead to exclusion from CHiPS.


Play leaders and adult volunteers supervise children at CHiPS and every attempt is made to ensure that the children are supervised at all times. Adult Play leaders wear red T-Shirts and Junior Play leaders wear blue T-Shirts.

First Aid

Most of our Adult Play leaders have up to date First Aid Training. It is important that you ensure the Registration Team has accurate contact names and telephone no. in case of any accident or illness. If your child has any health problems or special needs, please ensure these are included in the registration form.


Copies of all of our Policies are available on request. Please email cholseychips@gmail.com.

Lunch arrangements

We provide a fruit bowl free of charge for snacking during the day.


A tuck shop is available at lunchtime.  A suggested amount to bring is £1 - £1.50 for lunch.

Foods available include pasta pots, pizza slices, hot dogs, rolls/sandwiches, jacket potatoes, crisps, fromage frais, biscuits, fruit, sweets and drinks.

Children to bring their money in a named purse/container.

We do our best to monitor the children's spending at lunch to ensure they choose sensible lunch options and not just junk food!  


Children may bring their own packed lunches in a suitable box/bag which must be labelled. Please ensure packed lunches are suitable and have cool packs as we have no chilled storage. 


We require 1 parent helper each day to assist in the tuckshop. If you are able to spare time from 11.30 to 1.00 on any day(s), please email cholseychips@gmail.com. Thank you!

Sponsors and donations


We are incredibly grateful to John the Postie for raising funds for CHiPS. His efforts and generosity enabled us to provide the Circus Skills workshop free of charge to all children last year, and another activity free of charge this year. We are planning to spread the benefit of these funds over 5 years in total.


We have received funding from South Oxfordshire District Council via Councillor Simpson and Councillor Manning and this has been used to provide funded places and craft materials.


Other donations received help fund further funded places and additional activities for ALL children attending CHiPS.  We are proud to have been associated with the following local organisations who have supported CHiPS with donations or help in the past.  Many thanks to them all.  

  • Cholsey 1000+
  • Cholsey Golf Society 
  • Cholsey Bluebirds
  • Cholsey Parish Council 
  • Tesco, Cholsey
  • Waitrose, Wallingford 
  • Cholsey Primary School
  • St Mary’s Church and Cholsey Scouts for use of their halls. 


Find us on facebook too:  Chips Cholsey Holiday Play Scheme

