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Existing members Renew   your subscriptions here.

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EXISTING MEMBERS - PLEASE RENEW Your Membership using the blue 'Renew' button above or the link at the bottom of your renewal invitation email sent at the end of December 2024 or WebCollect Login on the CSC Website.

NEW MEMBERS - please select an appropriate subscription from the list below to become a member of Chipstead Sailing Club.

For sailing members with a boat, please remember to add a 'Boat Subscription' for each boat that you plan to keep or sail at the club

Earlybird Discount - This has already been taken off the appropriate categories and will apply to January and February renewals only.


Voluntary Donation

Period: 0

I would like to make a voluntary donation


Annual End Date: 31st December
First boat £215
2nd & subsequent boats £175
Junior Boat £120
Group Boat £225
Racked Boat £100

A Boat subscription is required for EACH boat sailed at the club to be used by adults.







Junior Boat - Use this if you have your OWN boat which is to be used ONLY by children (eighteen or under).

Junior boats may NOT be used by adults.


Group Boat Fee - payable by the Group Nominee Member per each 3 boats or less belonging to the Group Nominee's Nominating Group. Select one boat fee per each 3 boats within the Nominating Group.

Racked Boat - Optimist or Tera

Joining Fee

Period: 1
One off £0

 Note: it has been agreed to suspend the Joining Fee until further notice.The joining fee is only payable once at the start of a continuous period of membership for sailing categories. Applicable to Full Family, Junior Family, Young Adult or Group Nominee Memberships.



Annual End Date: 31st December
Sailing Full Family £215
Retired Non Boat Owner £60
Honorary £0
Sailing Junior Family £120
Sailing Young Adult £110
Social £60
Model Yachting £80
Paddle Board £145

Sailing Full Family membership with Sailing Rights. For a family inc children & grandchildren to 18 yrs (23 yrs full-time Student)


Retired Non Boat Owner membership is only available for members already in this category. Closed to new memberships - see Social membership below.


Honorary Membership - Invitation Only 




Sailing Junior Family membership with Sailing Rights restricted to children 7 to 18 yrs.



Sailing Young Adult - Full membership with Sailing Rights for young single adults over 18 and under 25 yrs



Social Membership - with No Sailing Rights. For all family members and their children up to 18 yrs (No Joining Fee required for this category)


Radio Sailing/ Model Yachting Membership - with No Sailing Rights other than Model Yachts. Family members & their children up to 18 yrs (No Joining Fee required for this category)

Paddle Board Membership - with No Sailing Rights. Family members & their children up to 18 yrs (No Joining Fee required for this category).



Group Nominee Membership - an individual nominated by a "Nominating Group" to supervise any sailing or use of Club facilities by the Nominating Group. (£180 - Contact CSC Membership Secretary at: membership@chipsteadsc.org.uk )