Home > Sailing Events > Comet Association Championships
Comet Association Championships
We are delighted to host the Comet Association Championships over the weekend of Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th June 2025
- Pre-entry online via WebCollect by 14th June 2025. We are unable to accept entries after this date.
- The entry fee for this event is £45. 18's and under £35, £5 of which will be given to the Comet Association
- The entry fee is for two-days sailing, lunch, teas, coffees on both Saturday and Sunday and tiffin/tea on Saturday. A bacon roll breakfast will be provided at an additional cost.
- Those competitors under the age of 18 at the time of the event are required to have their parent/guardian’s consent to take part in this event.
- The event is open to all boats of the Comet Class (with Standard, Xtra, White Xtra or Mino rig) whose helms are members of the Comet Class Association at the time of the event.
- Temporary Comet Class membership is available on the day.A fee of £11 to be paid to the Comet Association on the day.
- Competitors must declare at registration which of the four rigs (Standard, Xtra, White Xtra and Mino) they wish to sail, and they must stay with the same rig throughout the event. Rigs with reefing capabilities are allowed to reef/un-reef during the event.
- If you are bringing a guest and they require lunch this can be booked via WebCollect
Schedule of races
- The intention is to sail 5 races.
- Saturday 28th June Races 1, 2 and 3 (Association Championships
- Gates open 08:30.
- Briefing 11:15.
- The warning signal for race 1 shall be no earlier than 11:55.
- Race 1, followed by lunch.
- The time of the warning signal for race 2 will be communicated on the day.
- Races 2 and 3 will be sailed back-to-back.
- Tiffin will be served after race 3
- Sunday 29th June Races 4 and 5 (Association Championships)
- Gates open 08:30.
- A briefing will be held at 10:00.
- The warning signal for race 4 shall be no earlier than 10:25.
- Races 4 and 5 will be sailed back-to-back. Followed by lunch and prizegiving.
- No warning signal on Sunday 11th will be made later than 12:25.
- In the event of forecast bad weather the race committee may vary the above schedule.
- This will be communicated to all competitors during the event briefing.
To sail at Cransley you must have Public Liability Insurance for a minimum of £3 million for the dinghy you are sailing.
Check, Clean, Dry - https://www.cransley.org.uk/check-clean-dry
Cransley SC is not set up for overnight camping, however if competitors wish to camp / park their camper van in the car park please contact Nigel Austin 07713 214583
Social Event
A Barn Dance and Hog Roast has been organised for Saturday 28th June commencing at 7pm.
Tickets can be purchased via this site at £20 per person
Bring your own drinks and plastic glasses (no glass glasses allowed on the foreshore for safety reasons)
Dress optional Country style
Please pre-ook your tickets via WebCollect - https://webcollect.org.uk/cransleysc/event/barn-dance-and-hog-roast