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Chew Fevas Training Sessions   iCal entry for this event

Welcome to a race training session for the Fevas


Chew is hosting the feva inlands in June and this is an opportunity to develop skills to take part. 



The times will be firmed up later but usual is 9.30-4.30ish.

The cost is around £15 for Chew members and group members (the price may increase if there are fewer boats or more experienced coaches) 

Sailors from outside the club have an additional charge of £10 to cover the guest fee and launching fee (£25 total). Guest numbers are limited due to covid currently. 


Please refer to the club website for uptodate covid information. 



There are 6 club boats which are free for club members to use and can be available for group members (£10). 

Location: Chew Valley Lake SC

Contact: Clare Sheahan

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