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RYA First Aid   iCal entry for this event


Please ensure that you have purchased or already have the appropriate membership required. If you are unsure then please contact the Office. 

A one day session which covers all of the usual first aid subjects but from a boating perspective.

It also meets the requirements of RYA qualifications such as Dinghy Instructor.

This course is free for regular Safety Boat volunteers, please enquire at the Office prior to booking.




Select Dates - show past events
Description Date Start time End time Availability Places
Price Book
One Day Course 13-07-2024 09:30 16:30 closed 8 £65
One Day Course 21-09-2024 09:30 16:30 closed 12 £65
One Day Course 05-04-2025 09:30 16:30 from 01-03-2025 12 £70