Existing members Renew your subscriptions here.
New members
Please select the appropriate subscription below and proceed to checkout. You will be asked to provide some details during the sign-up process.
Full Membership - Dual Mess
Monthly Subscription
Monthly subscription £1
A full membership whose primary workplace is Horsea Island but who is resident during the working week in service mess and who is also a full member of that mess.
Associate Membership
Monthly Subscription
Monthly subscription £10
Full Membership
Monthly Subscription
Monthly Subscription £10
A full member whose primary workplace (including courses) is Horsea Island, and who does not live in a service mess.
Full Membership - Fleet and Field Army Members
Monthly Subscription
Monthly subscription £1
A full member whose primary workplace is not Horsea Island and who is a member of service mess elsewhere.
Associate Membership - Veteran
Monthly Subscription
Monthly subscription £1
An associate member who is a veteran of the Armed Forces of their respective country.