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Welcome to Hounslow & Twickenham Woodcraft Folk

Welcome to Hounslow & Twickenham Woodcraft Folk's WebCollect page. Here you can register your child, pay subs and make bookings for trips and camps.

We also use WebCollect to send you information about forthcoming events and to send you reminders about subs ;-)

You can find information about the district on our website - www.hounslowwoodcraft.org.uk  and about the national organisation at www.woodcraft.org.uk. Our Facebook page is www.facebook.com/groups/HTWoodcraftFolk/ and our Twitter account is twitter.com/htwoodcraft/.      


Membership is open to adults and children. New adult members should complete a membership form for themselves and a form for each of their children. You then become the 'admin' person for your family and are responsible for keeping your family details up to date.

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