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Welcome to Ilkley Rugby Football Club

Ilkley Rugby Football Club aims to provide a safe, enjoyable and enriching environment in which players of all ages can enhance their physical fitness and their skills to their own personal benefit and the general benefit of the game of rugby union. An amateur club run professionally.


On this site you can join the Club, pay for your membership subscriptions or make a donation to the Club (see bottom of page).

You can also manage your own personal membership data.

New members (who haven't already done so) first need to sign up and buy a subscription (a membership).

Existing members have already been imported on to the system but will still need to set up a password to use it.

You can join WebCollect by clicking 'Sign in/Sign up' in the top right hand corner of this page and following the instructions.

After Signing Up please log into your account to complete home address and phone number details.

Please note that when purchasing a subscription you will be asked to complete your home address at checkout if you haven't already done so.

The Club welcomes new members!


Use these links to join the club or to renew or change an existing membership.

You can also access and manage your WebCollect membership details from here. Please ensure that your details are always kept up to date.


Current Subscription rates are:-


Life (one-off payment).........................................................................                        £1000

Patron..................................................................................................                          £125

Family (includes players under the age of 18 on 31/08/23, their

parents/carers and other family members under the age of 18)..........                          £125

Social...................................................................................................                            £75

Players aged 18 or over on 31/08/22...................................................                            £70

Players aged 18 or over on 31/08/22 who are in Further Education....                            £20



If you wish to make a donation to the Club you can do this by buying a Donation Subscription from "Renew subscriptions" below (a donation is treated as a type of subscription). When you sign In follow the link saying "Buy a different subscription" (this will NOT affect your current subscriptions). Please note that the Donations option is at the bottom of the list of available subscriptions.

Existing Members

New Members

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