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Welcome to Innominata Mountain Club

This is the Webcollect online booking page for Innominata Mountain Club.


Use this to book your places on club events. NB events will only be published here when we are ready to accept bookings, which is usually 3-4 weeks before the event. For information on planned future events please check the club's main website.


Payment can be made by Bank Transfer or by Direct Debit straight into the club's bank account. Please note we no longer accept payment by cheque - if this is really the only option for you then please contact the event organiser.

NB You will need to register with Webcollect and sign in to view current meets and make a booking.  If you have come to this page via the club's own website, your details have not been passed through and you will have to log in to Webcollect. The two systems are entirely separate and you will need to register with each.

For events which don't need payment, booking through here will let everyone know who is going and help with arranging lifts, and will let the organiser know how many to expect.


Meets Cancellation Policy

Any unused places on meets will usually have to be paid for from club funds, so this represents a financial risk to the club. It is therefore club policy not to give refunds for cancelled bookings unless the place can be filled. Refunds will be given in strict order of cancellation ie the first person to cancel is the first in line to be refunded.

This does not of course apply to meets where the club onlys pays for actual number of spaces occupied. Otherwise refunds will be given only in exceptional circumstances, at the discretion of the committee.

For longer trips involving a higher outlay you may wish to consider taking out travel insurance. For overseas trips you are strongly advised to take out a specialist insurance policy which covers the activities you will be undertaking, and which includes rescue, repatriation and adequate medical cover. Members are eligible for BMC insurance, and there are other specialist providers.


Not a member? Want to find out more?  Visit our website www.innominata-mc.org.uk, contact the Membership Secretary membership@innominata-mc.org.uk, or sign up to Webcollect using the link at the top of this page and you will then be able to join online.


BMC Participation Statement

Innominata Mountain Club recognises that climbing, hill walking and mountaineering are activities with a danger of personal injury or death.

Participants in these activities should be aware of and accept these risks and be responsible for their own actions.




Membership runs for the calendar year.and includes club membership of the British Mountaineering Council, which includes third party liability insurance and access to all BMC services and discounts. Those joining after 1 July pay half the full subscription. Those joining/renewing during November and December pay the full rate but their membership will run to the end of the following year.

Current subscription rates are shown on the subscription page - follow the link. A reduced rate is payable if you are unemployed. To claim this, when renewing an existing subscription click on "Buy a different subscription" and all the options will be displayed. New joiners will see this page automatically.



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